Holy moly my inbox exploded

Level 7
Vancouver, Canada

Holy moly my inbox exploded

I'm not too sure what happened behind the scenes last night but when I woke up this morning I was bombarded with requests/IB bookings that continued on all day.  I'm usually lucky to get one request every couple of weeks.


While I was happy to get a few new bookings I kinda liked the turtle slow pace that my listing generated previously.  Mad props to all of you out there that have multiple rooms/properties.  I don't know how you do it!

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

@Kati18 who knows what happend.... but just to be sure check if your prices are correct 🙂 

And yes, multiple properties off site and back to back bookings are sometimes very exhausting, it's a bussiness, not a pleasure 🙂