Host Cancellation

Host Cancellation

Unfortunately, I have to cancel my first Air BnB reservations at our newly listed Air BnB period property. This is due to an unforeseen delay in the completion of the renovation of the property.


As a new landlord, I realise have an obligation to prevent personal injury caused by any defects in my home and as I have just had a survey completed on the property I am sadly unable to complete all of these necessary repairs in time for the guests arrival.


I am worried about how this cancellation may cause my guests stress and concern at such short notice so, can anyone offer ant alternative accomodation (7-11/8 for 5 adults and 1 child  or 21/8 - 26/8 4 adults and 2 kids in the Leicestershire area) offer any advice on how to best cancel or help you me to find them alternative accommodation in the area.


Thanks for your help on this!


1 Reply 1
Level 10
Edmonton, Canada

Hi Paul,


Your best option right now is to contact Airbnb and claim that this is an extenuating circumstance and they will likely take over from there and ensure that the guest receives alternative accomodations.



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