Host Referral reference number

Level 1
Cape Town, South Africa

Host Referral reference number

I have a newsletter that goes out to people who would be interested in hosting with Airbnb; is there any way I can include a referral number that they can use that credits me as the referring host? In other words, I would like to include this /my referral reference number and ask those who are interested to use that number when they list so that I get credited with the new host listing. 


Many thanks



1 Reply 1
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Mike58 Actually the way it works is that you initiate the referral, not the prospective host.  You would need to obtain the prospective host's email address to send the referral to Airbnb.  On your Dashboard menu you'll see a Refer a Host option. That's where you would send Airbnb the host's email address.  Down at the bottom of the page is a link to the Terms and Conditions of the program which you should read carefully.