Host listed same place with two prices. Cancels cheaper one.

Level 2
Calgary, Canada

Host listed same place with two prices. Cancels cheaper one.

This place has been listed twice.   I have saved them both in a wishlist / saved list, for you to see.


[Personal information hidden]


If you look at the reviews of the cheaper one, the host cancels them frequently.    It's obvious the two properties aren't linked, and when the cheaper listing was booked first, and someone comes in and books over top of it on the more expensive listing, the host will just cancel the first listing.


Her name is "**" but on the cheaper one she lists her name the same as the city "Montreal". 


I'm sure this is a violation of policy as it will undoubtedly screw with peoples plans who may find themselves without a place to stay last minute..  


The prices seem far enough apart that it will still out-weigh the penalty that AirBnB puts on her. 


How do we report this?   Or is this not violating terms?   It definitely hurts the AirBnB community. 



1 Reply 1
Level 2
Calgary, Canada

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