Hosting practices by rental agents

Level 1
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Hosting practices by rental agents

So I use AirBNB each month for business. In my most recent trip the host has asked me for information outside the AirBNB platform, personal details, and has clarified they do not own the property.


The listing was an apartment in a hotel, a suite, and the AirBNB lister appears to be rentral agent based in Canada (listing was in Miami hotel the Conrad).


1. Does AirBNB allow rental agents, rather than owners to list?

2. Does AirBNB allow the above agents to rent suites or apartments in hotels, without making you aware of this in advance?


I received a court order (yes really!), on my door on the last night of the rental saying I had 24 hours to leave as the apartment was being repossed by a bank. The host told me it had all been resolved within an hour or so of speaking with them, outside of court hours and bank their "owner"... 


I've asked the agent if they own the property, they now decline to answer.


I did try to reach AirBNB's emergency number, I called 3 times for around 30 mins each, no answer....


So my concern is that AirBNB appears to be allowing hosts to be rental agents for multiple owners, and to rent in hotels. My concern is what is AirBNB becoming - a rental agents listing tool? Is this legal in cities to sublet and also why does AirBNB not show this on the hosting - they appear to be individuals and this has happened before?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Yes - AirBnB allows agents to rent property on AirBnB. Those agents may be professional estate agents, people acting on behalf of investors, private individuals, etc.


Yes - suites, rooms or appartments in hotels can be rented through AirBnB. The description should be accurate: ie: you should get what you see in the photos and what is described. If not are you are not happy then you can complain to AirBnB immediately and ask to be moved to alternative accommodation.


However, hosts on AirBnB are under no obligation to inform you who owns the property, how it is owned, mortgaged etc.


As long as hosts (of any type) abide by local rules and regulations they can list on AirBnB. You will see hostels, hotels, boats, rooms in home of multiple occupancy, rooms in B&Bs, guesthouses, etc...


They can also ask for information outside of the platform as long as this is clear that it is a condition of you booking their property. For example some hosts ask to take a copy of a drivers' licence or passport.


Was the court order addressed to you? How would they have received your name - that is the worrying part.



Yes on the description there was no mention this was a hotel room - AirBNB is great as it isn't hotels!!


The court order - it was adressed to ocupants of the proeprty - no name, and was from the court and bank - a "Rush" eviction notice.


Bizzare expereince.