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In Berlin (Kreuzberg to be specific) and I'm look...
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In Berlin (Kreuzberg to be specific) and I'm looking for a Key Exchange. I'm not sure but it seems HoardSpot is de...
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Perhaps AirBnB should set up a ratings system for themselves so their clients can see, for the sake of transparency, how effective their policies and their how effective they are in customer service as rated by their clients.
I’m sure better minds than mine can come up with supporting ideas and suggestions.
What I’m not looking for here are long dissertations about specific incidents: but rather to hear from people who have dealt with AirBnB customer service and can relate their experience to the rest of us.
The Good, the Bad, and the . . . (Ugly)
@Kathryn75 @Ann10 @Tony134 @Charles421 @Fred13
Gettin' out while the gettin' is good! Hats off to Kathyrn.
Even this negative is a net positive for those of us who use this forum as an information gathering tool.
Keep your eyes open because a number of valuable threads are now in play, by Tony, Ephraim, myself and others.
I feel something is happening in the AirBnB biz and it ain't good.
I'm preparing myself to abandon this platform at a moments notice if neccessary.
They are not clueless, they are calculating.
IPO, what does that mean? Valuation? What does that mean? Lol
Hosts: they'll be like deer in the headlights, Lol, they won't know what hit'em!
@Ann10 @Kathryn75 @Fred13 @Charles421 @Tony134
I'm adding a few more LINKS OF SHAME TO the thread because they are valuable for the information they hold and because I designed this thread to be a clearing house of sorts for the topic of customer service and all that entails.
The threads bleow contain many interesting nsights and valuable information. This forum produces a wealth of knowledge for those of us with the time and capability to dig deep into the topics.
Well... I enjoy hosting and I've navigated tons of calls the CSRs but when an issue is big, yet should be a simple one to solve such as not being able to download a 1099, the response seems to always be "let us work on that...'' then, SILENCE. As in 8 months of calls with no resolution
@Amanda-and-Aaron0 @Ann10 @Kathryn75 @Fred13 @Charles421
@Amanda-and-Aaron0your experience seems to be echoed across the spectrum of hosts who try to use customer service.
Is it a tactic, a technique, a policy? More knowledgeable minds than mine may have an answer, and in fact there have been reasons proffered on this thread and others. Mostly opinion and speculation, but I've seen no explanation from AirBnB.
I'm adding a new thread to the Links of Shame that just came online yestereday, about a new scam run by some guests. I'm curious to see how this thread will develop.
הבעיה שלי שהנציג מדבר תמיד באנגלית עם מבטא ומכיון שאני מישראל אני אף פעם לא מצליחה להבין מה הם אומרים לי
I’ve been w Airbnb for 4 years and probably completed around 300 reservations or more. I have found that the bigger they get the worse it is. They will not continue there success treating there super hosts this way. This last week I heard about giving hosts equity in the company. Just a ploy to gain more hosts. Clearly I think hosts are getting fed up with Airbnb. I have pulled all my listings and will rent privately because of the way I’ve been treated.
This thread has to be added to the links of shame for AirBnB Customer Service.
The growing number of incidents of abuse by AirBnB hosts and the resulting repercussions in anti-AirBnB sentiment in local communities around MA will lead to regulations that will impact hosts who run their business in a professional manner and create no problems for their community.
At least four or more terrible incidents have occurred in Massachusetts in the last year that have resulted in horrendously bad publicity for AirBnB.
Although the incident below occured in LA, to guests from MA, by reading a small sample of the readers comments, one can draw a conclusion from that small sample of the growing anti-AirBnb sentiment in many local MA communities.
You can lay this at the feet of AirBnB, for these problems are of their creation.
The problem with facts is that they're stubborn things . . . so I've heard said.
Here is a fact: the newspaper pictured, a major metropolitian newspaper, the Boston Globe, published in a city aggressively trying to regulate AirBnB out of business, landed on my doorstep with this bold, above the fold story, dominating the front page, the lead story of the day.
Anyone who wishes to minimize this fact is welcome to do so, but to me it seems like denial.
Fact: The story appeared in the Globe long after the incidenct in July because, as the story clearly states, no refund was posted until the Globe reporter, Murphy, a consumer advocate, callled AirBnB, and they issued the $708 credit only a week ago. That's about 60+ days. It's unclear if they paid the $2500 yet after rejecting the $5000 request.
Fact: the couple requested $5000 compensation but AirBnB offered $2500 and five therapy sessions.
Opinion: that offer is a case of adding insult to injury.
Probable fact: had AirBnB handled this properly, in a timely fashion, chances are slim that this would have ended up as front page news and made its way across the nation and probably the world - that it did go nation-wide and most likely world-wide probably scared away many potential AirBnB clients and strengthened the argument against short- term rentals many cities are using to regulate AirBnB.
Bottom line: this should have been handled better and could have been handled better.
I hope that what come out of this is that the next time something atrocious happens AirBnb will do a better job of getting out ahead of it.
Fact: It would have been well worth the $5000 to avoid this "Front Page News".
How many hosts in Boston will now proudly admit that "I'm an AirBnB host."
I just had a case with them again, previously it was some broken items from guest that I never be reimbursed. Abnb tried to make the process so hard that you couldn't keep up and let it go.
But this time again, letting the guests have everything they wanted and putting the host down. As I always feel why Abnb call us partner because I never felt they treating us as a partner. Now they letting the guests has a very low rate with additional 50% off for their inconvenience sake. And finally cancellation from some ants in the kitchen. This is so lame excuses trying to get free accomodation on my pool villa.
Anyone faces the same problem and want to do or anything we can do please let me know.
Any class action can we file against ABNB?
I am here because I am new to AirBnB and have been frustrated twice. One chat was so odd, he/she didn't appear to understand what I was talking about and didn't answer my question. It made me wonder if they were in a foreign country.
The second time, I wrote a long letter asking two questions. I copied their response: "Hi Cheryl, I do apologized for the inconvenience that you are having right now, I just wanted to ask if what exactly do you want to happen? or you wanted to know?"
Oh, and they texted me and woke me up at 5:45 a.m.