How can I have calender default to 'blocked'?

Level 1
York, United Kingdom

How can I have calender default to 'blocked'?

The way we use airbnb means that it we only host on 1 or 2 nights each week.

Our setting for the amount of time in advance we accept bookings is 3 months in advance.


So, each day, a new booking availability is added 3 months from now.

The default for this new date is 'Available' rather than 'Blocked'.

'Blocked' would be more useful, since on the majority of days we're unavailable.


Does anyone know how to make the default setting for new dates 'Blocked' instead of 'Available?'

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Chicago, IL

Hi @Richard-And-Sue0


Why don't use the year long calendar instead of the 3 month calendar? That way you can block out the entire year and then make the days available when you are ready. It is pretty rare for someone to want to book a year in advance.


I'm pretty sure there isn't an option to have your calendar default as blocked.

Thanks Brittany, that's a really useful approach, I'll investigate this option.
