How can I refund a guest the cleaning cost?

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

How can I refund a guest the cleaning cost?

I want to give my guest a refund on the cleaning cost before they arrive. Anyone know how I can do this?
4 Replies 4
Level 2
Miami, FL

When they arrive , do it cash , is the only way
Level 2
Texas, United States

Once the reservation is accepted, I don't think you can make any changes like that. Just give it to them I cash when they arrive. In the future, before they reserve the room there is a button that says, OFFER - use this to make adjustments to your price.
Level 2
Texas, United States

Once the reservation is accepted, I don't think you can make any changes like that. Just give it to them in cash when they arrive. In the future, before they reserve the room there is a button that says, OFFER - use this to make adjustments to your price.
Level 10
Winslow, AZ


Why would you want to give someone a refund on the cleaning costs, especially before they even come?  Do you know these Guests?  I would never do any business, refunds, extensions, more Guests, or anything outside of the airbnb platform.  You are just asking for trouble and never do any cash transactions with Guests as you will have no record of it and it is breaking the airbnb contractual agreement you have with them.  You could easily loose your listing or at the very least be fined. 

I don't understand why you would do this.  I hope this works out.

Eloise at Happy Trails