How to deal with guests who want to cancel because of air quality due to wildfires?

Level 4
Sacramento, CA

How to deal with guests who want to cancel because of air quality due to wildfires?

I have an AirBnb next to Yosemite National Park, and wildfires impact the air quality as well as the park experience.


I have several guests writing to me expecting a cancellation with full refund. Thing is, it's not my fault if there is a fire, which is a very frequent occurrence at this season in the Sierra Nevada. 


Any hosts had similar experiences?


If so, I would love to know how you deal with such requests.

1 Best Answer

I let my guests cancel just this morning with a full refund. Feels like the right thing to do on account of the air quality. 

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46 Replies 46

I would feel pretty mistreated by this poorly disguised attempt to dodge being a genuinely good host. Just my .02. You are entitled to that approach but to me it's lame and I wouldn't want to stay with you under those policies.



We are in wildfire area in Mendocino County.

I always message my guests and offer a cancellation with full refund if there is a fire affecting our air quality. It is challenging enough for us to be here in thick smoke. We are a getaway destination for our guests, think smoke, heat and no view out the windows,  no fun being outdoors? Giving a full fare cancellation is only appropriate, imho,and we've always done it. In fact, we open our calendar for booking a little at a time during fire season, to make sure we are not booking too far in advance of such an unknown.