How to over-ride/change the Cancelled booking in calendar

Level 1
Papamoa, New Zealand

How to over-ride/change the Cancelled booking in calendar

Due to not blocking out our 2019 calendar last year, we had an enquiry for 2019 which we had to cancell - as we were not going to list our house.  BUT, now we are able to list for Xmas and New Year but the cancelled booking prevents us from making New Year dates available.  

Thanks for your help.

Polly and Walt


6 Replies 6
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


if you had an INQUIRY or booking REQUEST and declined it then your calendar wouldn't be blocked.


Your calendar is blocked because you got instant booking and you canceled it or you got booking REQUEST and you didn't accept it or decline it within 24 hours.


Either way there is nothing you can do now except sign in to another booking platform like VRBO, etc... and book those days through them.

Thanks so much Branka and Sylvia...Polly

Level 5
Johannesburg, South Africa

Once you cancel a booking, Airbnb permanently blocks those dates. You cannot book anyone else on those dates. So the best option  is to list your property on other sites

Thanks so much Grace...Polly

Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia



There you go, that's one of the penalties hosts get when they cancel a confirmed guest reservation!


You never, but never cancel a guests booking, and Polly,  you never accept responsibility if the guest requests you cancel! You will always be penalised if you do!


If a booking cannot proceed you must always get onto customer support and explain your situation, they are pretty good and will handle it so it is done as a neutral cancelation where nobody is penalised.


As you are relative 'newbies' where hosting is concern with only 4 guest reviews it may pay to phone the Airbnb office in Aukland on +64 4 4880 888 and ask for their advice on how they can release you from this penalty.....they may be able to help!


Good luck Polly.



Level 1
Papamoa, New Zealand

Thanks Rob. That's really helpful!
