I have a double booking. This isn't meant to happen. Also the bookings I have taken are not showing

I have a double booking. This isn't meant to happen. Also the bookings I have taken are not showing

The bookings I have taken are not showing up on my calender as booked.

I have one double booking. How can I sort this out.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Nashville, TN

Post this on the Abnb Facebook page to get a fast response.

Level 10
Quimper, France

@Carol211, you have 3 listings, the first 2 start with the same picture, but all 3 seam to be the same place. I guess you rent different rooms in your house, but it' not clear at all. The first two seem to be the seperate building on the left side, the third can't be located.


If you really have a double booking on the same listing, that would be a serious glitch and you should call airbnb immediately. 

If it happened on 2 different listings, which are the same place, call them nevertheless, to try to sort it out. In that case, pleading to not understand computers and the website, might help to get a penalty free cancellation. 


If your double booking concerns one booking that you see and one that disappeared, it may have been cancelled. Either by the guest, or more probably by airbnb, if the credit card did not work or the verification failed. In such a case, they may just vanish, but the correspondance stays in the message order. If airbnb suspected fraud, everything disappears, as they delete the profile and messages too. If you kept a mail notification, you can check that by clicking on the link and trying to get the guest profile. If an error page comes up, the guest was thrown off the site. 

If the profile is still there, it was either a cancellation, or the verification not yet completed. 


To get the phone number, search in the community pages. I found one for the UK: 44 203 318 1111