I'm a host and need help on cancelling a booking that is out of our control

Level 2
Christchurch, New Zealand

I'm a host and need help on cancelling a booking that is out of our control

We have started some maintenance on our 100 year old house and things have gone from bad to worse with every plank we remove, we have found rotten floor joists and boards that urgently needed replacing etc. Fair to say the two week job has turned into a much larger job and we need to cancel guests. There will be no wall linings on the wall and the work will need to continue while they are here. I do not feel comfortable hosting people in a mess like this but I dont know if I can cancel without being penalised. 


I have written to the guest and explained the situation but understand that they might be penalised as well. 

I have photos of rotten floor boards and piles etc etc that really just wasnt safe and had to be dealt with.




7 Replies 7
Level 10
Bragg Creek, Canada

Hi @Christel18 - if the guest cancels, they will still be charged the Airbnb fee, if you cancel, you will be penalized by the dates being blocked (which won't be a problem here) and if you've never had to cancel before, I think you're allowed one before you're penalized further. I would contact Airbnb and explain your situation - chances are they will see it as extenuating circumstances and refund your guest their fee, as well as not penalizing you for the cancelation. Include your photos, it will likely help. Best of luck! Karen


Contact Airbnb:



Thank you so much!

My apologies this is going to sound very stupid. Do i cancel and then contact AirBNB or contact Air BNB and then cancel? 

I obviously want to give the guests as much time as possible to find somewhere else.


And I'm guessing twitter is the best way to do it? I dont have a twitter account but obviously can open one, and I see they say calls are only for emergencies.


Thanks for your help in advance.




@Christel18 contact airbnb first. They can do the cancellation themselves w/o penalty to either you or the guest and they will likely assist the guest in finding a suitable replacement.

Level 2
Christchurch, New Zealand


Level 1
Berkeley, CA



Once I had hosts cancel on me (they were moving). There was no penalty; in fact, AirBNB gave us a discount for another rental during the same dates. You can cancel without any fear of harming your hosts.



Level 2
Christchurch, New Zealand

Thanks for your response, we are the hosts in this instance I'm afraid.