Instant booking

Level 1
Los Angeles, CA

Instant booking

How do I turn off instant booking? Airbnb is booking dates without my permission!! I only intended to do this once when I was out of cell service range for a week or two while on vacation back east! I want it turned off. I do not see anything under hosting or settings to do this.

4 Replies 4

@James613, I have heard anecdotally that some people cannot turn off Instant Booking. But if you can, here's where the setting is:

Go to your Hosting Dashboard and click on the "Listings" tab.

In the "Listings" tab, find the Listing you want and click on the "Manage Listing" button.

Once it has opened your listing for editing, click on the "Booking setting" tab.

In "Booking settings", the first item is the Instant Book setting. It is actually titled "How guests can book".

The option labelled "Guests who meet all your requirements can book without requesting approval" is Instant Book on.

The option labelled "All guests must send reservation requests" is turning Instant Book off.



Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

@Matthew285It's not an anecdote, Airbnb seems to experimenting with Instant Book allways on (only in certain areas, with new hosts).

I also wondered how you can see as a guest that a listing is "Instantly bookable". I remember there was previously some "lighting sign" on those listings ?

Best regards, Emiel

Level 1
Los Angeles, CA

I fixed it. Thanks. It took a while to find the right setting page, but I turned it off. Thx!


@James613, I'm very glad to hear you were able to fix it!