Irma's message to all guests arround the world

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

Irma's message to all guests arround the world

Irma just sent a message to all our guests :
- who set up AC at 21 C while outside temperature in a shade is 40 C
- who use AC 24/7 even when they are not present ( and then use all the blankets available)
- who don't know how to cool the house by simply open the window at the evening and pull down windows blinds during the day
- who heat or cool the house with open windows 
- who leave all the lights turned on even when they are not present 
- who set up a refrigerator and a freezer on maximum, for days, just to cool down one bottle of soda
- who took looooong showers

- who use washer and dryer for a pair of socks 

- who use fresh towels and linens every single day 
- who use 3 pillows, 3 sheets and 3 covers per person , per night

- who use disposable hotel slippers, cups and stuff



Guests, hotels, holliday resorts , hosts and the entire human kind should listen to Irma. And Irma says: "Hello, pleased to meet you - I am climate change, your long term guest now."



18 Replies 18
Level 10
Coupeville, WA

As a believer in science, I do my part to preserve our natural resources. I want to leave a planet to my grandchildren. 


I am installing a smart thermostat next week. I have an old house and most of them won't work here, but I finally found one that will. I use energy efficient light bulbs throughout my entire home, not just my guest space. I minimize single use products and plastic whenever possible. I use compostable bin liners in the recycling and rubbish bins. 


I have energy efficient appliances, and hang my wash out to dry when possible. I use an on demand water heater and my dead lawn is a clue to my guests that water conservation is key. 

Level 10
Seattle, WA

@Branka-and-Silvia0 yet there are people who still don't believe in climate change 😞

I recently had a guest who turned on the heat at 70F with the window wide open. Yes, she was heating the world. Ugh...

Level 1
Western Australia, Australia

Hi Irma,

I bought a replacement controller for my AC, I set the minimum and maximum temperatures, and it's tamper proof. It shows a normal range of temperatures on the screen but will only cool or warm to the settings you program.



I am gobsmacked that even if you deny climate change you cannot ignore the damage of the growing population on the earth's resources and inhabitants- human and animal.

Since I started hosting I have found that it is the same people belonging to the same areas of a certain nation that constantly demand heating in summer and use all the hot water in a very large tank with no consideration for others let alone the planet. I come from a hot climate nation and still have the voice in my head that tells me to shower quickly,turn off taps while brushing teeth etc. It is plain selfishness and ignorance to brush off climate change. We need to start thinking of others and the future and just using some common sense -rant over!