Is Airbnb really going to require that we provide linens & towels?

Level 10
Atlanta, GA

Is Airbnb really going to require that we provide linens & towels?

I just saw that as of July 2018 Airbnb will be requiring that hosts provide linens and towels. That is a killer for us and will be for many who do weekly vacation rentals and don't live locally. We have no means of ensuring linens are washed between rentals, much less being sure they won't accidentally be taken by the guests. I supposed we could find someone to contract, but that will likely add $100-200 per rental - most of our guests would much prefer save the money and bring their own. We tell them about the local linen rental agency so they have that option. 


The changes to Airbnb seems to be leaning toward people (guests and hosts) who have boatloads of money. I know that likely is where they'll make most money, but I fear that they are leaving their base behind. 

213 Replies 213

@Gillian19 it was part of the big announcement. You can see a lot of what they covered here:


The new standards are under the "New host standards" area, or here:


Level 10
Atlanta, GA

In my years of taking vacations in coastal South Carolina - even before being a homeowner, it was very rare that linens were provided. This really removes Airbnb from the economic vacation home rental market at least in this region. I am very, very frustrated as I finally thought things were stabilizing with our rental. I don't know why it can't simply be clearly shown in the listing what is and isn't provided so that the guest can choose what works for them. It is a signficant increase in cost for both guest and owner in these situations to have this requirement.

@James165 I am in the same boat.  I have 3 beach condos in Ocean City, MD and this linen rule is going to force me to leave the site.  I just submitted my concerns to Airbnb at  Maybe if we all do this they will reconsider.  I am new to these converstaions...  Are there people from Airbnb that monitor these threads?  Will they be able to hear our concerns?


My house is on the 4X4 beach in Carova, NC. There is no pavement for miles, you drive on the beach to get to the house. Houses not in the big box rental programs (like mine) do not have the resources to pick up clean sheets 45 minutes or more away from the house like the big box rentals do. (they use sheet rental services).

Level 2
Massachusetts, United States

I also submitted my concerns to Airbnb directly and was told that if I don't meet their requirements I "may be removed from the platform". There is no way I will be able to provide fresh sheets, linens and towels between rentals. It's so unfair because none of my renters have had a problem with this in the past. 

This is an issue for us as well. We have been renting our place for 20 years and never provided sheets or towels. Adiditonally, we make it very clear what is and is not provided and this has never been an issue with any airbnb guests.


It is also a cleanliness issue. I wouldn't trust sheets and towels that were not professionally cleaned and have been used by dozens of people. Granted, we will still wash and clean everything but it is not a hotel and the standards are different. What if I use a detergent that a guest is allergic to and they have a reaction or develop dermatitis? This is very frustrating. My cleaning crew will probably have to raise their rates which means I will have to raise mine just to cover my costs. 


Anybody got recommendations on what linens and towels are best to keep for guests-is there anything that is like anti-microbial or something like that? Also, any idea on quantity--how many extra should I keep stored? I do not live in my place and never interact with guests so I have to get my cleaners to manage this.


Bringing your own linens works for some locals, but not folks who fly in, have several stops, or simply don't want to bring the whole house with them when they travel.  My family had a summer rental with weekly minimums and did not have an on site washer/dryer, so they had people bring thier own linens.


I live in a coastal vacation area on the left coast.  Everyone here provides linens.


There's nothing wrong with raising your prices to pay for these extras.  It's part of doing business.

Level 10
Atlanta, GA

I actually could put a link to a place where guests can rent linens during their stays, except Airbnb doesn't allow us to put links in our listings!

@James165 wrote:

I actually could put a link to a place where guests can rent linens during their stays, except Airbnb doesn't allow us to put links in our listings!


Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

Honestly @James165,  I believe that almost all airbnb hosts provide bedding and towels.

I'm sure the majority do. But not coastal rentals in South Carolina, at least. Certainly it makes sense in many other settings. I would if I lived close by. But property managers do not provide that service on the coast, except in the most expensive homes. It's great for people to provide it, but I don't see why Airbnb is requiring it if both guest and host prefer the other.

They may be trying to set a new minimum 'expectation' across the board for all hosts.

Level 10
St Leonards, Australia

@James165@Sarah977 I find this the most ridiculous of all of Airbnb's changes. I offer linen in two of my rentals and linen and towels in the third as this is a more upmarket property. No-one has ever had an issue with bringing their own towels as it is quite usual in holiday lettings in Australia. Towels are a nightmare when you are doing holiday rentals. Not only do they take a lot of space to store, but also cost to have washed and it's something else for my cleaner to manage. I currently allow one nighters but might have to stop that with the new rules as I really can't cope with the addition of towels to the mix. In summer I can often have 5 different groups in a week - so 30 towels to manage, store etc. It will add on too much cost which will then result in lower reviews. I seriously can't see what is wrong with the current system where you tick what you offer. What will be next I wonder? Mandatory air conditioning?

I understand the customs of both.


It's really not that complicated.  You just have to have 2+ sets clean and ready, so if you have do to a quick flip, there's always one set ready if you don't have time to address all of the laundry in between guests.  I have 3 sets, and a 3 hour turnaround.  It works beautifully.

Sure - we should all provide toilets, sinks, running water. But giving guests the option of saving some money by choosing a place and bringing their own linens just makes sense. It's clearly marked, so it's not like a guest is going to be surprised. Plus, at vacation rentals, that is just the normal way of doing business.