It's possible to leave a review without checking any of the STAR categories?

Level 10
Lithia Springs, GA

It's possible to leave a review without checking any of the STAR categories?

My profile says I have 150 reviews but my listing says I have 149. I know, it's just 1 review... why worry? I work hard for each review and like to make sure each one counts in my overall stats.


Check to see if you're missing reviews too. Look at your listing as a guest. Look near the bottom under the HOST area. It will say how many reviews you have. Then, open your profile and see how many reviews you're being credited for. I bet the 2 numbers are not the same?!


I looked at all my reviews and found one where the guest left a glowing review but since she did not check any of the stars in the categories, the review isn't added to the count in my total review count. 


How is it even possible for a guest to leave a host a review without checking ALL of the star categories? 

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