Itinerary format

Level 2
Göreme, Turkey

Itinerary format

Changes over the last few months to the itinerary are making it more and more difficult to read.  Here are my suggestions...


1.  The font is too small to read!  Please increase the size by 1-2 points!

2. There are key things that I would like to see bigger/bolder on the itinerary:

     * Guest Name

     * Check In and Check Out Dates

     * Total Payout amount


These three things I am always having to mark with a highlighter to make it easier to find.


3.  I do not see the need to include House Rules and House Manual on the itinerary (unless this is the same itinerary seen by the guest, in which case I guess that makes sense).  I always just print out Page 1 of the itinerary...


4.  On the messages page, it would also be nice to include a link to the itinerary .  I can se the confirmation number, so just a link to the itinerary so I can easily print it!



 The question is - how do I get anyone from AirBnB to consider these requests?



2 Replies 2

Host Voice is the place to provide suggestions to the website.  


However be clear in your request....

The font size can be adjusted at your computer when you print.  You can also increase the resolution of your computer to see these items more clearly.  

The Guest name, check in and out, and payout already have bold headers - what exactly do you want "bold"

The Itinerary is easily accessed from the Dashboard where all your reservations are located. 


Hi - thanks for the response, and the Host Voice reference.


With regards to font size, etc - before my itineraries used to print out in a normal font size (eg 11 or 12 maybe) - and now it seems to have gone down to a 7 or 8 font size.  This coincided with other formatting changes made by AirBnB.  As far as I know there is no way to increase the size when I print - but I'd be happy with any tips on this!


I would like the customer name and check-in checkout dates bolded AND a size or two larger than all the other text, just so that they stand out a bit more for easy reading when I am flicking through my folder of booking sheets.


Likewise, I know that the itineraries are on the Dashboard, but if I get a NEW booking for later in the year, I can't get to it quickly.  I tend to do everything from the message screen and if the booking info is already there, it would be a simple task to add a link.


Thanks again for the response. 🙂
