Lack of support and protection

Level 1
Collingwood, Australia

Lack of support and protection

After being a highly profitable venue for air BnB I've now had to snooze my listing through fear of my place being trashed without any support from Air BnB.  On April 1 I had group of 10 gentleman stay for three nights when I left I found some art broken and my tv smashed. I reported this and requested $775 for the repairs.  Unfortunately out of the 48 hours ive got to report anything broken, I found one dining room chair smashed and hidden. I adjusted the total figure and wanted then $1000 for the repair however my bond was $500.


communication with the guests with ignored and now I have a month down the track and air B&B have almost totally ignored me too. This is been escalated twice still no contact. It has caused no end of stress .


Anyone have any suggestions 

2 Replies 2
Level 5
Healesville, Australia

That's horrible! Have you tried twitter? Apparently they respond promptly on that platform.

We have short stay hosting insurance as we don't have confidence that Airbnb will cover us in these situations. Maybe worth considering.

Good luck!
Level 10
Delft, Netherlands

@Rod4, this might be of interest to you.


The upshot is that you cannot rely on the AirBnB insurance, which is not geared to cover damage by guests.