Listing temporarily unavailable - won't open!

Level 1
New York, NY

Listing temporarily unavailable - won't open!

Hello Collective Wisdom!


I created my listing yesterday morning, it went live and I immediately got my first booking.  Right after that the listing became "temporarily unavailable" - while it comes up in search results, it won't open to show the details or allow people to book.  Talking to customer support hasn't been very productive - they say that they're passing it on to the tech team and that they've never seen this before - and based on the posts here this is a common error.  The guy I talked to just now even said "you have to understand, we're a startup company and only offering a service platform, you don't have to list with us, you can go to another provider" - REALLY???  


Have you had this and more importantly - have you had it fixed by Airbnb?  From the threads here it seems like people have had this problem but no one reports getting it fixed...  Someone said that if your photos include text, Airbnb can suspend your listing - they're so paranoid that someone would start direct communication; but my photos didn't have any text.  


Any ideas/suggestions/help - please send!


This is my listing - Cozy 1-Bedroom with Private Terrace:




1 Reply 1
Level 10
Bergen, Norway

I can only comment on your profile - there is very little in terms of verification and who wants to rent from a cartoon cat ?

And I seem to recall there are issues regarding the legality of short term rentals in NY ?