Mechanism for suggestions, frustrations, ideas to be communicated to airbnb

Level 1
Victoria, Australia

Mechanism for suggestions, frustrations, ideas to be communicated to airbnb

Hi, I'm a 3 year airbnb host of two 5 star guest rated properties....which I think means that I'm doing something right!  One thing I find really frustraing is that I can't locate a mechanism to submit ideas, suggestoins, feedback to airbnb as a host.  I have a heap of things I'd like to pass on.  Does anyone know if there is a mechanism 'for this that Im just not tapping into?  If not, does anyone esle feel frustrated by this?  Maybe I need to get myself on their payroll...ha ha!  Thanks Carolyn

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Ormstown, Canada

No, there is no online mechanism. I thought that there was when I first listed with Airbnb. I was under the mistaken impression that Airbnb was much like Ebay with it's "Cafe" and user input in the early days. How wrong I was!

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Having been a host now for over six months it is clear that this is not about a community - and to be fair why should it really be - it is a business, The probllem for Airbnb is that the number of glitches seems to be increasing and soon another competitor will begin to take business with a slicker platform - just wondering how quickly that will happen.

Level 1
Toronto, Canada

I think this is a great idea.  Airbnb should be open to the idea of listening to community members for ideas, suggestions and constructive feedback to improve their platform.  Perhaps they can create a discussion room on this Community site simply to address this need.  I have many ideas myself that I would love to contribute to this space.  On top of that, they can create polls for these ideas to allow members to vote if they are in support of them.