More transparent reviews

Level 10
Las Vegas, NV

More transparent reviews

Not sure if you all have played around with the new desktop, but it has come a long way. The review system actually shows how many stars that particular guest left. I'm still not a fan of AirBnBs focus on every guest getting a 5 star stay. We are talking about humans and honestly nothing changes in our houses, but the people we host. At a certain point it is personal preference as to why they don't like something in our houses. I had one lady who was paying $23 a night tell me my floors were dirty. Well, they are white tile and beige carpet and any speck can be magnified. It seemed that people who pay the least expect the most.


The stats page is full of information and has helped me to figure out how much I should cut my rate to get to my goal. Boy is it hard to get up to $5k a month. I noticed that a lot of guests were booking a 2 night stay on the weekend and I've since upped my minimum on the weekends to 3 night stays. I have to block one day on both ends and I was just loosing money with a 2 night minimum.


Have you guys found any use in the new desktop layout?



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