Multiple phone numbers

Level 1
Amarillo, TX

Multiple phone numbers

I only have one account/listing. When I try to message guests back I sometimes receive a message "unfortunately, we could not process your response because your number is registered to many accounts" . Not sure how I can fix this.

3 Replies 3
Level 1
Virginia, United States



Curious, did you ever figure this out?  I am in the same boat.  


Jeff (Virginia)

Me, too....I'm searching for an answer to this question!

Level 1
West Virginia, United States

I'm finding this whole discussion to be depressing.  This seems to be a common problem without an answer.  I just started as a host and find this to be an issue.  Does anyone have an answer?  I've emailed AirBnB about this but after reading all these posts, I'm not expecting an answer.