My listing got accidently priced wrong using the smart pricing option. I had to decline and cancel.

Level 1
Chicago, IL

My listing got accidently priced wrong using the smart pricing option. I had to decline and cancel.

I had to cancel and decline the reservation because my $400 listing was accidently listed for $26 per night. Now my calendar is blocked and can't be lsited. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil





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@Uthuman0, it would be worth contacting AirBnB about this.

If the problem was caused by Smart Pricing making an error, they ought to have some sympathy to you.

Tell them the information you gave to us. AirBnB is the only one who can open up your calendar and (hopefully) ensure you have no penalties for this incident.

And maybe turn off the Smart Pricing for now.


Level 1
Nashville, TN

I, too am having an issue. I thought that the special offer would still take into account my minimum pricing, but it reduced the daily rate for a long stay to less than half. This just happened today. I hate to lose the 51 day rental but I am not sure I can afford to rent it for almost two months for such a low rate.


Why is it called minimum pricing if it gets reduced to less with a discounted rate? If I  had known I’d have aet the minimum at double as I can only rent for 30 night rentals or longer, due to local laws.

@Diane298, it can be confusing, and you are not alone in having something like this happen.


One thing that will help is that the "minimum price" is just the smallest amount that will be set for a single nights rate. It does not take into account any other discounts or special offers you apply.


For example, if you set your minimum price to be $100, then the smallest amount for one night will be $100. However, if you have a monthly discount of 30%, then a person booking for a month will pay less... in this case $70/night, if the whole month were set to $100.


I know you complain that it reduced your price below your "minimum pricing", but think about what would happen if it did NOT do that.


Imagine the alternative: A guest sees that you offer 30% off if you book an entire month. He sees your nightly rate is $100. Cool! they book 30 days... and the price is $3,000 because the system is not allowed to reduce the price below the "minimum pricing". Essentially, your discounts become meaningless, and the guest would feel that they were being lied to. And, in fact, under this system, they are being lied to.


So yes, it can be confusing. But that doesn't mean that the alternative would be any less confusing.