My response Rating While Unavailable

Level 1
Quebec, Canada

My response Rating While Unavailable

*** I actually found how to ''Snooze'' my listing. Should any body else want to do this check out the options in the bottom left hand corner of your screen when you visit your listing options. ***

Hi airbnb host community!

My partner and I are going away on holidays for two weeks where we will be fully disconnecting from phone and/or internet. We have obviously not taken any reservations during this time, and have blocked out the date. However, is there a way to make our status ''unavailable to answer your request'' or something of the sort while we are away? Should we get booking requests and not be able to respond in time, I would hate to see it affect our Response Rate.  As we have wonky schedules, I'm nervous to put someone else in charge of answering for us. I would much prefer to just advise potential renters that we can currently not be reached. 

All suggestions welcomed!
Thank you,
Gab and David

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