Mystery Star Ratings

Level 2
Providence, RI

Mystery Star Ratings

One of my first guests wrote an expansive positive review, with a private posiive comment.  But he also gave us 4 stars on accuracy, cleanliness and value -- the others ones were 5 stars.  I want to find out more without being inappropriate.  I am thinking something like "help us improve our new space, I notice we have some work to do on...."  ,  Any ideas or feedback? I also read that some hosts explain the  rating system so that guests know tht 4 may be "very good" to them but is a black mark for hosts.  Your thoughts ? Thanks


PS -- I also posted this in the New Hosts Section but did not get any response, so am re=posting it



1 Reply 1
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

@Rich35 when ABB sends a message to guests to rate the host they say something like: How would you rate your stay: Terrible, bad, ok, good, great. This is misleading bc in fact ABB consider everything bellow 5* like terrible. Of course it is manipulation and wrong etc... msny posts are writen about it already...

So some guests just give 4* bc it is "good" or bc they think nothing is perfect enough to be 5*

I never ask my guest why he gave me less then 5, some hosts do ask... it is up to you.