New Inquiries

Level 10
Las Vegas, NV

New Inquiries

Tis the season for odd and cheap inquiries:


"Is it possible to call me so I can go a head and pay for the room for 3 nights? I have only few questions about the room. Moreover, I am allergist to cats, I want sheets clean from cat's hair and I want to know if the cats will be freely walking in the house and even to my room?"


DECLINED- The cat was here first and I've been down that road before. The guest stays and wants a refund at the end because they saw cat hair.


"hey. if you can do 140 a night for my 7 day stay I'll book your place today."


DECLINED- The rate is as stated. Hosts shouldn't be asked to pay for their guests vacation. Its insulting.


"Can you give me a discount for these two days?"


DECLINED- The rate is as stated. Total is only $89 bucks. Come on people!


On the flipside I've approved the other 32 reasonable requests to book and stay with me.

55 Replies 55
Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia


To get a one star 'could' be seen as devastating, but Helga, seriously, do you think anyone is going to take the slightest bit of notice of Silvie's review in amongst all your great reviews. She is like the officer in the Bastille Day Parade....she is the only one in step.

Your response was dignified and to my way of thinking was very good, but, could have been just a bit shorter. The last thing you want to do is keep attracting attention to a poor review and a lengthy response has the affect of doing that. And she totally showed herself as being a complete 'cheapskate' in her public response...thank God you did not stoop to that level Helga!


Let it go possum, some people are not designed to be satisfied......sure it plays on your mind with the high standards you set, but you're better than that! There are many tastier fish in the sea....leave that one for the sharks...the cheap sharks!!!


Edit Typo's

Hi @Robin4

thanks! I don't mind much, but her review came in the 2 days when statistics reverted back to the old version, so I was not sure about the 1 star - could have been a glitch, but no it wasn't. It shows as 0%, but there is a tiny stripe in my own view, not on the public stars. 

You are right, I'll have to thank the next French guest in my public answer. 

But I wrote the lenghty answer deliberately, as I got a few reviews how nice and accommodating I am and that's deadly. It says fool to be abused. So I needed to show, that there are limits to my good humour. 

Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia


It's not so much your good humour that impresses me, although it does....Uncle Henry and the shovel....

It's your good judgement!


Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands

And I get as reason being on a budget. Duhh, so am I.


After the last one I satisfied my temper tantrum by typing out some saved message variations. It was more for myself to get a therapeutic hit against the frustration that way ;D

But I'll consider using them in part in future, depending on how silly sounding their reason is., haha..



Dear guest,
if you supply 3 amazing reasons for being eligible for a discount for the absolute minimum stay of two days as per your inquiry, I will contact you in case the room has still not been booked at normal price three days before your desired date.




Dear guest,

Unfortunately, my guest room is unavailable for reduction seekers.

With only the one single room I can offer (that includes the rarity of a non-shared private guest bathroom in this city!) I work hard to offer as high quality a stay as possible , with an attentive host and a lovely and restful ambience.
I'm not a budget hotel, nor in the charity business, and value guests who value the price of private hosts doing business.

I'm aware you probably have no idea of how much time and effort this business requires in preparation and upkeep of the space for guests;
the amenities offered, water/energy usage, other operational expenses, taxes, mortgage payments, having less privacy as host.a
This comes at a bit of a price for which I need to make sharp calculations to stay in business.

Now even if I did feel extremely generous and decided to give you - a non-repeat guest -something for free (a refund), would you be happy and willing to accept one of the following conditions in exchange?:


- I could save time+work and not clean as well as I normally do after the last guest before you?


- Or you could personally take over the cleaning and preparing of the room after the last guest(s) before using it, seeing you would be getting it at a cheaper price?


- Or would you be okay with directly using the last guest(s) unwashed bed linens+towels ?


- Or would you rather have the refrigerator/Nespresso machine/coffee/water cooker/tees removed from the room in exchange for the reduced price?


- Or maybe you would agree to only having water or electricity available for only for 1 hour in the morning and in the evening to save expenses against the income I'd be missing by giving a free reduction?


And that for a top 5-star review from you of course?

Well, I didn't think so...


But to help you find something cheaper in this city:
I'm sure - even on such prime season booking dates - you'd have better chances with commercial Hostels who have many more beds and personnel who is paid independent of whether they clean 20 or 25 rooms.
For example there's one in my neighborhood that also offers private rooms at good prices called StayOkay. That might be more suited to your budget than renting from a private host with only a single accommodation. Just make sure to check whether you have to bring your own towels or not.

Another good way of finding cheaper accommodation is with hosts further out from the central part of Amsterdam. Public transport here is so regular and good, that a bit more of a distance wouldn't be a great disadvantage when deciding for a lower budget accommodation.




Are you familiar with a past Forbes article 'Dear Would-Be Airbnb Guests: Here's Why Hosts Keep Turning You Down' that takes the words right out of my mind? Well, amongst other points let me quote this one:
"You Asked For A Discount -
Many guests think that, hey, it can’t hurt to ask for a deal. Right? I’m here to tell you that, yes, it can hurt. Pop over to one of the Web’s many Airbnb host-centric message boards and you’ll find that many, if not most, experienced hosts not only won’t negotiate on price, but also won’t book guests who ask. Even at full price.
Why? There’s a perception in the Airbnb host community (and one that comes from experience, I might add) that guests who ask for discounts tend to be high-maintenance, nitpicky, and are more likely to leave negative reviews or complain about their stay.
To see what I mean, I’m just going to quote from a recent post on the message board:
'You must decline negotiators. They are throwing out red flags by disrespecting you. From experience we can tell you that accepting negotiators will bring you the worst guests. People who have no compunctions about bullying you and are looking for all they can get for the lowest price. I would rather have it sit empty than kow-tow to that type of guest… They just want to win, and think about it….is that the kind of person you really want in your home?'”

Now you know 🙂

Good luck.

Some of the ones I've had:


- We'd like to bring our three children for some unstructured activities on your farm since your listing is located on your farm.

  (Listing clearly states "farm tours". Farms are dangerous places for "unstructured activities")


- Your listing has a minimum stay of two nights. Can our group of people stay for one night and only pay for one person for two nights?

 (These potential guests do not realize that cleaning up after 10 people for a one night stay is not the same as cleaning up after one person for a two night stay). Minimums apply.


- We can bring our own air mattresses and bedding so your rates will be cheaper, right?

 (No, of course not)


-Why are your rates so high for additional people? We will book if you can lower that.

($25 per additional person after 2 people is not high - wear and tear, extra bedding, hot water)


-We have extended family coming in a camper. They will not enter the house but just stay outside so they should not have to pay anything extra.

(From past experience they do all end up in the house, and declare that 7 people slept in the trailer and only 3 in the house)


- You are wrong to charge for children under 2 years old because Airbnb says that's not allowed

(I charge the extra person rate for children of walking age no matter what Airbnb "says" and this is written on my listing)


I automatically decline any such requests, even if the potential guest gives in and accepts the charges.


the guest to afraid to propose a price, but wanting to block the booking for 2 nights in exchange to stay only one night with a crowd, is a gem. 4 star review included in the package 

That must have been a very dsrk mood, to need so much exorcism! 😉 

i like no 1 and would also enjoy to send the question if they accept the last guest's sheets and towels to some. 

But you never know: I had about a dozen so far, who used my towel, one daily (always a different one) on a 3 day stay (plus her own) and maybe 5 who slept on top of the bed, 2 in sleeping beds (in Paris, not on the countryside) 

So it could be a risky offer in jest, it could be taken. 

Level 10
Philadelphia, PA

I received the following from another host!!
Hi Jennifer, I'm coming to Phil for a 3 day conference and hoping to stay off-site as the hotel is above my budget. I'm at the end of making a feature documentary and haven't had a salary in 2 years while completing my human rights film. With the airbnb and cleaning fees it adds $89 to your listing to cost $414. Would it be possible to pay a total of $300 incl the fees? I won't need breakfast or any coffee,snacks etc as I'll be there just for sleeping. I will leave your place immaculate ( previous reviews will attest) . I'm a great guest and host - you can read my reviews and I'd be happy to give you a big discount at my place in the Caribbean. Please let me know - sorry to ask but I prefer to stay w/ a female host, most of the others are men... thank you
My response:  I do not have a cleaning fee. My place is only $325 for the stay. To give you that kind of discount, wiping out the Airbnb fee, taxes and losing a Saturday night at this busy time is more of a financial hit than I am willing to take.  There are many Airbnbs in the neighborhood.  I am sure you will find something within your budget.
The host/guest:   Understood and thank you.  It shows $414 to me FYI on the quote.
My response:  Hi again, I looked  it up and $39 is the fee Airbnb takes from you for themselves and $50 is the Philly Occupancy tax they take from you and give to the city on the host's behalf.  It broke it all right down for you on the site. Get used to this as it becomes the norm.
The host/guest:  thanks for clarifying - is the room large enough for 2 people by the way?
My response:  2 very freindly people. There is only a queen size bed.  I pre-approved you even though I know you are not going to book.  Again, there are many other options.  Good luck.
The cheek! Wanting me to absorb all the fees.  Why should I subsidize her artistic venture? Trying to play on my feeling by mentioning a human rights film. The type of film should have been irrelevant.  I would love to not work for 2 years and pursue a passion.  I am sure I dodged a bullet and kept my food supplies.

You have a warm welcoming home, @Jennifer178, it's not surprising that she asked. 

I work with artist' and independent film makers (the reason for my toght budget, lol), so that question would not surprise me. If you want to create films nowadays, that are not pre-sold to big television stations (=not a typical big public film), you have to keep an extremely tight budget and get used to begging everywhere. If such driven people would not exist, there would be less art in the world and nearly no good one. 

But in that specific request, I saw 2 strange things: she wants to stay with a women - if she makes humanitarian films, she should be used to rough conditions and that condition should no longer exist. She wants you to absorb the fees. That's unbelievable. If the rest was true, she would have proposed a way to lower or avoid the fees 😉 

give me a little discount on the room price, book me for 10, the rest in cash, we both save fees - now that would be a credible proposition from a film maker used to haggle for financing projects . 😉

Hello Helga,


I agree about art, driven people and budgets.  I used to do theater (stage management, board of directors, producer) in Europe and we all had jobs, sometimes multiple jobs, to support our theatrical work because it was our passion and our calling.  I am not unsympathetic to the cause.  I miss it dearly.


But her being a host is what got me.  She did not read the price breakdown Airbnb gave her.  I expect a host to read everything. Not my first reading impaired host either. 


You are right about wanting to stay with a woman only.  I took a show to Berlin and spent the week sleeping on the floor.  We all slept on anything provided in whatever places were offering a roof at the price we could afford.  We were not picky. We were happy to have whatever.

Mentioning the humanitarian film after already mentioning a documentary film seemed manipulative.  Trying guilt was not nice.

You are also right about the fee.  To give her the all inlcusive price she wanted would have meant I was going to lose over $200.  And then subtract taxes, utilites, amenitties, etc. Plus I read her reviews of other hosts and I got a weird vibe. 

I have sent special offers to 2 people before but I initiated the offer.  Those people were great and I wanted them to stay with me for a variety of reasons such a s time of year, their profiles and future rebookings. 











What does little chicks say when they wake up in the morning: "cheeeeeap, cheap, cheap, cheap, cheap". lol.


Yes, she has been using people for the past two years to support her hobby of making a film that most of the world wont see. We all see those articles about how to follow your passion and retire young or travel the world on a budget while you figure your life out. Well the hosts who lower their rates are the people who are making that possible. Of course, that guest comes and goes and theres no guarantee they will leave a 5 star review, which is not monetary compensation, or even leave a review at all because they are flitting about to their next destination.

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

This was a classic.


' I am coming to visit my brother and visiting with a friend who snores, so can they sleep in your living room.


' Also my brother and father would like to come for breakfast at your place every morning as my brother's place is too small and they don't want to bother his housemates'


Yeah right 😞

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

This was a classic.


' I am coming to visit my brother and visiting with a friend who snores, so can they sleep in your living room.


' Also my brother and father would like to come for breakfast at your place every morning as my brother's place is too small and they don't want to bother his housemates' (But happy to bother me when they aren't paying to stay at my place).


Yeah right 😞

Level 2
Manchester, United Kingdom

Was an honest try and you kept the answers friendly and professional... Well done!

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

nobody ever asked me for a discount....  maybe my prices  are to low 😞