New strict cancellation policy update

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

New strict cancellation policy update

Hello everyone,


The Airbnb team heard feedback from you and the host community about the upcoming change to our Strict cancellation policy. In order to address your concerns, we’re delaying the change until May 1, 2018.


Before the change goes into effect, we’ll share more about what we’re doing to address your concerns, particularly around protecting your listing details from being shared with guests who cancel. But for now, we’d like to clear up some confusion and help you better understand the new policy and how it will benefit the whole community:


Here’s how the new grace period policy will work—and some of the protections we have in place for hosts:


Limited-time refund within 48 hours after booking when the check-in date is at least 14 days away

Guests must cancel within 48 hours after booking and can only cancel if their check-in date is 14+ days away. This means that no matter how far out your guests book, they only have 48 hours from the time they book to cancel for free. We want to make sure that if guests change their mind, you have enough time to get another booking.


Three refunds per year per guest

To prevent abuse, guests are limited to three fully refunded cancellations a year.


No full refunds for overlapping bookings

To make sure guests are not making multiple bookings and then cancelling, any booking made by a guest when they already have an active booking for those dates will not be covered under our grace period policy.


Your hosting success is top of mind for us, and tests of this policy—including among hosts with strict cancellation policies in place—strongly suggest the change will result in increased bookings and successful stays. With this grace period, not only do guests book with more confidence, but they also have the ability to resolve booking mistakes without requiring your valuable time and intervention.


We value your feedback, and will follow up shortly with more insight into how your ideas are shaping this policy.





----------Update April 24th, 2018----------


Hello everyone,


Just to let you know there is now an update regarding protecting your listing details, as mentioned above. 


Here is the link to take a look: An update on the Strict Cancellation Policy





Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

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1,325 Replies 1,325

@Patricia1008 , my advice is that you use the information tools provided by Airbnb within the Help Centre. Basically this resource section is set up with groupings of related topical questions, with answers and user guides, written by Airbnb. There are hundreds of frequently asked questions [FAQ's] such as yours answered very clearly with links to connected topics such as the effect of international money transfers and currency exchange rates, as well as being aware of the procedures that will be in place at various financial institutions. 

It is quality, accurate and up to date, straight from the organisation that is central to sending your money securely.

Also check your transactions section on your own Airbnb listing, this will give you an indication of what's in the pipeline. 

All the best.

Regards, Christine at Wombats Studio Glenbrook 

Level 2
Kailua Kona, HI

I'm concerned as a host that we have people arriving in a few days from the state of Washington. What happens if they become ill while they are staying with us? Are we required to continue to house them as long as they are ill? What is the protocol? I hope that this will not happen, but I want to be prepared just in case.

Level 10
Swansea, United Kingdom


I believe you would have to accommodate them at some mutually agreed  rate due to their need to self isolate and not to travel

Level 1
Maquoketa, IA

The two cancellations I did recently were at the request of the guest who wanted to cancel because of health concerns.  I dont appreciate being told my account was suspended because of this when you stated this was "extenuating circu"  

The key with airbnb is to require your guest to cancel their own reservation.

As host--just do not cancel for them. 

Airbnb favors guests over hosts--this I have learned the hard way.

Airbnb does not support a strict cancellation policy.

I require my guests to have 3 positive reviews before they can book automatically. This policy has taken care of most issues. The majority of experienced airbnb guests are seasoned travelers.

And airbnb does double talk all the time. just FYI

Yes, Totally agree AirBnB is biased against hosts, needs to change or host should leave en MASSEonly then when they learn where their rel base is.

Level 2
Lido di Camaiore, Italy

Le politiche di cancellazione che adotta Airbnb non sono adeguate al mercato attuale. Specialmente nella alta stagione, noi che lavoriamo soltanto 3 mesi dell'anno, non abbiamo la possibilità di trovare un altro ospite in caso di annillamento in 14 giorni e questo semplicemente perché in alta stagione le prenotazioni sono tutte già programmate ed inoltre c'è la concorrenza di tutti gli altri portali tra i quali qualcuno ti permette anche di operare con sconti speciali, risultato:- in caso di annullamento per rimpiazzare l'annullamento in così poco tempo sei obbligato di fare uno sconto molto importante e questo in alta stagione!!!

Inoltre AIRBNB dovrebbe tener conto anche di molti altri fattori come per esempio:-

- Immobili situati in zone non facilmente raggiungibili come isole e posti particolari soggette ai trasporti aerei o navali ove l'avvento dei turisti può essere condizionato da ulteriori prenotazioni non disponibili all'ultimo momento e che finiscono per farti trovare la tua casa sul mare vuota in pieno Agosto!

Queste politiche sono sostanzialmente da rivedere ed è inutile continuare a proporle per poi arrivare per forza a dover scegliere delle politiche rigide a detrimento del guadagno di tutti AIRBNB compreso e che contribuiscono oltretutto ad incoraggiare cattive recensioni inutilmente!


Level 2
Barcelona, Spain

Hi Lizzie,

please, help me, give my letter to our directo Brian Chesky. Thank you  very much. 



888, Brannan St. San Francisco, CA 94103


For the attention of

General Manager Brian Chesky


Object :  Assistance Fund to Super Host


Dear Brian,

I'm Cristina Giordana, I'm Italian,  but I've been living in Barcelona Spain for 10 years.

I had moved with my husband and daughters. Then 6 years ago after 20 years of marriage, I separated leaving my artistic activity in his hands, I found myself with nothing and with two daughters to be kept 100%.  I was 50, so I found in Airbnb the only possible solution to survive. So I created "La rambla- Gluten Free Friendly"

 And I don't hide that I have always done it with love.

I always liked to host people and make them feel at home, so I also prepare delicious breakfasts for my guests.

Maybe that's why I am honored to be part of the Barcelona Super Hosts.

Now I am writing to you in confidence, because I am really in difficulty, I really need this help for Super hosts. I don't know how to pay for electricity, gas and the comunity . Not to mention that now we have to pay the 2019 tax return.

 As you know,  en Barcelona from October to March there are very few reservations and almost all of them have been canceled for one reason or another.

 I was about to go to the bank to ask for a loan when his hopeful letter arrived.

Usually i never ask for help. But  this time i Will do it.

I inform you that I fully answer all the requirements:

1) compartment only one house for 2/4 people in my house.

2) Airbnb since 2017 is my main source of income.

3) My identity is verifiable

4) I have been super host for several years.

5) I am losing everything because of the pandemic, because my period of greatest gain has always been from March to July, to understand what the loss is, just check in your administration by comparing what I gained last year with nothing this year.

6) I add that I have NEVER deleted a reservation.

7) Airbnb is the one and only platform with which I work.


Therefore, please accept my petition for help

I look forward to your kind reply. Thank you so much I wish you well


Thank you so much I wish you well

Cristina Giordana


888, BrannanSt.    San Francisco, CA 94103


Alla cortese attenzione del

Directore Generale   Brian Chesky


Oggetto : Fondo di Assistenza


Gentilissimo Brian, 

Sono Cristina Giordana , sono Italiana , ma vivo a Barcellona Spagna da 10 anni. 

Mi ero trasferita con mio marito e le mie figlie. Poi 6 anni fa dopo 20 anni di matrimonio , mi sono separata lasciando la mia attivita artística nelle sue mani, mi sono ritrovata senza niente e con due figlie da mantenere al 100%.  Ho trovato in Airbnb l’unica soluzione possibile per sopravvivere. Quindi Ho creato “La rambla- Gluten Free Friendly”   E non nascondo che l’ho sempre fatto con amore. 

Mi è sempre piaciuto ospitare le persone  e farle sentire come a casa.per questo preparo anche delle squisite colazioni per i miei ospiti.

Forse per questo mi onoro di far parte dei Super Host di Barcellona. 

Ora le scrivo in confidenza,  perchè sono veramente in difficoltà, ho veramente bisogno  di questo aiuto per i Super host. Non so come pagare la luce il gas e il condominio. Senza contare che ora dobbiamo pagare la dichiarazione di redditi 2019.

 Come lei sapra qui da ottobre a a marzo ci sono pochissime prenotazioni e quasi tutte per un motivo o altro sono state cancellate. 

 Stavo per andare in banca a chiedere un prestito , quando è arrivata la sua lettera piena di speranza. 


Le informo che rispondo in pieno a tutti i requisiti:

  1. omparto solo una abitazione per 2 /4 persone  in casa mia.
  2. Airbnb dal 2017 è la mia fonte principale di guadagno.
  3. La mia identita e verificabile 
  4. Sono super Host da diversi anni.
  5.  Sto perdendo tutto  per colpa della pandemia,  perchè il mio periodo di maggior guadagno e sempre stato da marzo a luglio , per capire qual’è  la perdita, basta controllare nella vostra amministrazione confrontando quello che ho guadagnato lo scorso anno   con il nulla di quest’anno. 
  6. Per ultimo aggiungo che non ho MAI cancellato una reserva.

La prego quindi di voler accettare la mia petizione di aiuto

Resto in attesa di una sua gentile risposta. Grazie infinite le auguro ogni bene 

Grazie infinite le auguro ogni bene 

Cristina Giordana


 You are very brave, and humble, you are gracious and honest.  

I wish you strength and a thousand hugs too. 

Best regards Christine. 

Level 1
Lima, Peru

Hello Lizzie, I want to change my strict cancellation policy to FLEXIBLE but there seems to be no option to do that. How should I proceed?


@Susy63 , here is a n extract from an Airbnb message to hosts. 

I  hope it is helpful to you.


"If you have a strict policy in place, you can switch to a flexible or moderate one by changing your settings on your Listings page. You can always go back to your strict cancellation policy as needed.

What should I know about these cancellation policies?
Flexible cancellation policies allow guests to get a full refund, including all fees (like the Airbnb service fee or any cleaning fee charged by the host), when they cancel at least 14 days before check-in. Please check this page to find out exactly how cancellations work for stays.

How can I change my cancellation policy?
It’s easy to change your settings. You can update your cancellation policies across multiple listings at once on your Listings page. If you use software to connect to Airbnb, you’ll likely need to make this update with your software.

How will Airbnb support me if I change my cancellation policy to offer more flexibility?
We’ve rolled out a search filter to show listings with cancellation flexibility, so guests can easily find the ones that best suit their needs. We’ll also be highlighting these listings to potential guests.

During a time when you may have a lot of questions and concerns, having more flexible cancellation options can be one way to keep hosting right now. Please note that this policy may change based on how local communities and relevant authorities are managing this difficult time.

We’ll keep sharing more travel trends, hosting tips, and new tools to support your hosting business, and we’re also answering all of your top questions here. As always, thank you for being part of the Airbnb community."

Regards, Christine from Wombats at Glenbrook.


Level 1
United Kingdom

What legal right does AIRBNB have o change OUR Cancellation policy when they see fit????????

Hi jane, I agree. I just got of the phone with Airbnb and "supposedly" this new so called "Strict" cancellation policy is not retroactive to already confirmed bookings. Only new bookings. I hope this is correct????


Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Mark3227  Do you realise this thread is over 2 years old? It was published 03-29-2018. How can you just notice it if you’ve been using the platform since 2016? Apologies for all the questions but I just find it baffling as your post implies a total ignorance of policies that have affected you for quite some time, unless you stopped using it as a host of course. 

Do you realize we are all responding to the recent post about the change to Airbnb's Strict cancellation policy and that their systems are adding our comments to this distant page in the thread. ???