Not able to respond to reviews?

Level 1
Boston, MA

Not able to respond to reviews?

In the past we could respond to a review. Thank the guest for staying if they said something nice, etc. But now I don't seem to be able to respond, why is that? I believe I'm following the proper channels... #1, edit profile. #2, click 'reviews'. #3, click 'reviews about you'. #4, find the review you want to respond to and click 'leave a repsonse'. Right? But that 'leave a response' option seems to have disappeared. Is it no longer possible to respond to a review? Has anyone else experienced this? 



1 Reply 1

@Patrick467, I just followed the steps you outlined, and I see the "Leave Public Response" link next to my recent reviews as expected.


Perhaps too much time has passed since those reviews were posted?

(You only have a limited time to add a public response...)