Out-of-pocket money requests from co-hosts to guests

Level 3
Dublin, Ireland

Out-of-pocket money requests from co-hosts to guests

If a guest breaks something in a place co-hosts are managing, co-hosts are the ones who find out about the issue, fix it and pay to resolve it.

But at the moment guests don't appear in the co-host resolutions center list (they only appear from the co-host account) so co-hosts can't directly request guests out-of-pocket money. Co-hosts need to report the issue to the owners who would then have to go to the resolutions center and request money to the guests they  most of the time haven't met or even talked to beforehand. 

It would make much more sense for co-hosts to be able todirectly request the guests out-of-pocket money from the resolutions center without even involving the place owner.

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