

I have a payment problem on the account, you still have not paid me..
Please call me.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Lidija13,


You'll have to contact Airbnb support.


This site is a community help forum where members help each other with advice from their own experience.

Members here don't have access to others' accounts.


To contact support y ou can ...


Log in and click on "Help" and then type "contact airbnb" in the "Ask a question ..." box. Then click on the "I want to contact Airbnb" link.
Then click on the "Contact page" link near the end of the page.

You can also type "contact airbnb" in the "Search the community" box on these forum pages where you posted your question. Scroll down a little in the list of suggestions that appears and click on the "Contact Airbnb: A Community Help Guide[UPDATED]" one. That lists phone numbers and ways to contact them via Twitter or Facebook.

