Paypal payment not gone though

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

Paypal payment not gone though

Hi! Maybe someone had a similar experience and can help, please?


The payment for the last guests I hosted was sent to an inactive PayPal account before I got a chance to update the details with AirB&B.


On Nov 28th I cancelled my old PayPal account and opened a new one, with a new email address. I did not realise the payment was going to be sent by AirB&B before I get to update it in my AirB&B account.


On Dec 12th AirB&B noted that a payment was sent, however it must have been sent to my old PayPal account - already inactive at that point.


On Dec 13th I updated the details with my new PayPal account and email address.


Can anyone advise how I can have the payment re-deposited into the new PayPal account? The payment could not have been accepted by the old PayPal account, as it was inactive at the point AirB&B sent the money (Dec 12th). Would PayPal not inform AirB&B of this and return the payment, which should have bounced back?


Thank you in advance for any advice you can provide.


Many thanks,


1 Reply 1
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

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