Pre-approval dates incorrect

Level 10
Austin, TX

Pre-approval dates incorrect

A few days ago I got the usual auto-generated message from AirBnB saying that someone had requested Pre-Approval. I corresponded briefly with the possible guest, and then pre-approved the request. What I didn't notice at the time was that the dates that AirBnB had supplied were completely different from what the guest mentioned in text. She eventually got back to me 3 days later (well after the approval expired, of course) and mentioned the discrepancy.


I'm fairly sure that the client hadn't clicked the incorrect dates. For one thing, her desired dates were in late April, while the AirBnB-supplied dates were in early June. Different month, different days of the month. In addition, her desired dates ran from Monday through Thursday, while the AirBnB dates ran from Friday through Tuesday. Fairly hard for her to make that kiond of error.


Has anyone else experienced this sort of discrepancy?

2 Replies 2
Level 6
Oviedo, Spain

I would be interested to know if they actual dates numbers themselves were similar, ie was it 15-18 April instead of 15-18 June? If so, I'd say the guest just selected the wrong month - it's happened to me a few times, in fact I had a guest go all the way through to booking my apartment in November instead of over New Years as he meant to!

No, the dates weren't at all similar. The guest was interested in April 22-26, but the email and text I received from AirBnB were about June 5-9. So... Different months (two months apart). Different dates. And, if you look at April vs June, different days of the week. Whacky!

Based on many, many other logic errors I've encountered within AirBnB, this really doesn't surprise me. Having spent a 30-year career in the software business, it appears to me that AirBnB hires very inexperienced staff for the most part. And probably off-shores a lot of the basic code.