Previous positive reviews

Level 2
Bloomington, IN

Previous positive reviews

I have been hosting for a few months and I state in my listing that I currently only accept bookings from guests with previous positive reviews. I've been getting flack about this from potential guests. Is there a setting where they can't book with me unless they have positive reviews so I don't need to say it? Or am I being too overly cautious? I rent my entire photo studio and I worry someone will steal my equipment.
5 Replies 5
Level 1
Cresskill, NJ

I agree we also face similar problems where people book for 10 and comes in 100 and we cannot be there in property to check every time . Now we have been trying to be very particular about choosing the guests . 1000 deposit is nothing and even that insurance does not pay for damage .
Level 10
Union City, NJ

Hi @Brook2 I've been hosting for 6+ years and I think that you are being too cautious.    90% of my business is from new guests (as in signed up in the month they make the inquiry).    In six years, with over 1400 review, I've had extremely isolated instances of any problem, and honestly it's usually been a domestic traveler that books because they want a place to crash.  I've had a German family or a Swedish couple leave a very messy place, but actual theft is never something that I worry about personally.   I don't live in my my listings, but I still have lots of things that can be stolen, including laptops in most of my places.


Of course you have a different situation - but some things that maybe could work (sorry if I'm stating the absolutely obvious):


**Conversations with potential inquiring guests where you mention important house rules and conditions of bookings.  This will all be in the description, which nobody reads.


**Increase of security deposit


**External cameras.  I have a Ring doorbell which I love, and I pay an extra $5 for a live view every month.   The doorbell has a motion detector on it, so you can easily go back and check the footage.   THat doesn't stop someone from putting an expensive filter in their bag, but it will stop someone from trying to haul out a light table.


**Accept bookings from international travellers or people flying in only.  Most guests want to leave stuff out of their heavy baggage, not add anything to it.    


**Locking up the most valuable/portable items.


I hope that helps!

Level 10
Nashville, TN

I think you are being overcautious.  If you are worried about your equipment, just catalogue it...take pictures, and have a high enough deposit to cover any loss. And as no one wants to sleep with your gear all over the place, you can have a locked cabnet for the portables.

My thought would be that anyone who might want to steal your stuff to use already has the same thing at home and doesnt need to steal yours. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

There is no setting that allows only guests with positive reviews to book or enquire. You can only set your profile to allow guests with verification to book.


Secondly, I don't understand why you would only worry about guests with no reviews stealing your equipment. It is is that valuable I would ensure it is adequately insured and items locked away etc.

Level 2
Bloomington, IN

Thank you all! Based on this feedback I'm going to start accepting first timers and get a locking chest to keep the really expensive things.