Pricing we have set and guest was charged less?

Pricing we have set and guest was charged less?

We had a guest instant book a home yesterday and AirBNB charged a different nightly rate than we have set as our rate for this home.  Who has had this experience and what is going on?


I have the images of our set price and their booking, but cannot seem to attach them.


Thanks -

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Something must be set by you. For example:

says 125,- but when looking into the calender all free days say 144,- . Did you assign special price to certain weeks (for example) ?


Best regards,


No I set all the pricing for all the days at $212 per night, but the guest was charged $205.25.  It shows that rate in pricing and on the calendar.



Sorry, i see prices in Euro's.... But there is still the difference.

Now i just looked at the same listing as mentioned before, and now i see there is NO difference.

It says Euro 144,- (US Dollar 163,-). So something/somebody changed it....


Which specific listing (I see you have 20 lisitings) are you talking about ?


Sometimes differences occur related to currency (exchange) problem.


Best regards,
