Property Managers!

Level 2
Katy, TX

Property Managers!

Hi everyone!


I got started hosting when my employer asked if I would be interested in managing his beach homes. I had never done anything like this before but it has been a few months and things are going well! 


One thing I was just thinking about is liability. While I do not own the home (and I state this in my bio) am I liable for anything if something were to go wrong? For example, if someone were to get injured and blamed the home somehow. I would assume this would fall under insurance or the owner may be liable. I have no idea though.

1 Reply 1


I'm not a lawyer, but if you are managing the homes as part of your normal course of employment duties then your question would fall under corporate law. As an employee of a company who is simply fulfilling his job duties by managing homes you should not be liable unless your specific action caused the grievance.


However, if the homes are under your personal information and the money is deposited into your bank then it gives the appearance of your ownership and thus changes the picture to opening you up to personal liability.


Verify with an attorney but that is my understanding. Of course, you are in the United States and anyone can sue anyone for any reason here.