Puerto Rico

Level 1
New York, NY

Puerto Rico

Looking to connect with hosts in Puerto Rico.


Please hit me up.


Mainly want to connect with those more experienced who have gone through high/low seasons.


And how they manage to stay on top of the tides.

134 Replies 134

Hello, I’m just about to wrap up my first year of hosting. I was wondering if I have to pay taxes on the earned money here in Puerto Rico. And if so, can I deduct the expenses that I invested in setting up. Any info would be greatly appreciated, thanks ahead…

Hello fellow hosts!.. I’m wrapping up my first year of hosting. I was wondering if I have to pay taxes on the earned income. If so, will I be able to deduct the the start up expenses? Thanks ahead.

Hello Julio,


If you are a sole proprietorship you report your Airbnb earnings as income and yes you can deduct your cost of service. If you are an LLC 'passing through' earning to yourself you can also do the same. If you are filing in PR, you must do so through SURI. Puerto Rico taxes LLC as a corporation. Speak with your CPA about this. 

Level 3
San Juan, Puerto Rico

**[Advertisement removed in line with the Community Center Guidelines] - Please note that it is not allowed to advertise on the Community Center. 

Level 2
Boston, MA

We created an Alliance for Short Term Owners and Operators in Puerto Rico. Our mission is to support this important segment of the Tourism Economy, advocate for responsible and fair regulations and educate stake holders on best practices to raise the bar on the guest experience and stay mindful of the greater community.


This is FREE MEMBERSHIP (a non profit organization) and we welcome questions and comments.


Please check out our website VivaPRalliance.




Alma Bair

Rene Acosta



Level 2
Aguadilla, Puerto Rico

Are there any experienced hosts in the Aguadilla, Puerto Rico area? I'm searching for a property management company that can take care of cleaning my rental after each visit, handle any emergencies like a broken faucet or toilet, as well as doing some light yard maintenance. I'm new to renting our home to travelers so any guidance around this would be helpful. Thanks.

Hello ChemayO,

I was a host in Old San Juan for several years with consistent 4.5 reviews. Currently, I will  be

relocate to Aguadilla and your post caught my attention.  Have you located a property manager for your place?  Would you like to start a conversation with additional details on your requirements and very important exact location.

Look forward to chat.




Level 3
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Call me **


send me images pictures


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Level 3
San Juan, Puerto Rico

We offer 24 hour 911 emergency repair to owners and host in Puerto Rico 


Please Share 




Puerto Rico Property Furnished Vacation rental homes





Hi Angel,

I'm interested in the local community center and meet up dates. I've been hosting in OSJ for several years. I look forward to hearing from you. 


Level 2
Pleasant Valley, IA

Hi. Newly listing house in Dorado. It’s been an adventure for sure! 🙂  I’ve been told there is a law project that was introduced into the island congress in May 2017 that addresses the status of short term rentals being considered commercial activity, which causes some HOA headaches. This legislative proposal, if passes, will allow homeowners to continue short term rentals no matter what rules / bylaws an HOA may enact; thus a friend to us. Does anyone know about this proposal and or the name, bill number etc?  Putting out feelers to the community to see what you all may know?  Thx. 

OmG, I have a home in Dorado thinking about listing.  How has your experience been?  Do you have a property manager/or cleaning crew to recommend.  Thanks


Evening, If you need help listing, feel free to contact me. 

Level 2
St. Louis, MO

Hi new to Ceiba znd hunting for as cohost when I'm off island.  Anyone in the area doing this??

Level 2
Fajardo, Puerto Rico

Hi Lynne


I manage more than 20 listings in the east of Fajardo, will like the opportunity to talk to you. 


John **


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