Recent Review at Bottom of Profile?

Level 2
Chicago, IL

Recent Review at Bottom of Profile?

Hi All - I recently had a guest check out and their review was put at the bottom of my profile behind of all other reviews (years worth of reviews ahead of it). Any idea how to move it to the top to be in Chronological order?


Thank you!

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Strathpeffer, United Kingdom

@Jeff91 Airbnb have clearly been messing around with the the platform again and have introduced yet another bug, they just can't seem to help themselves and it's so irritating. This problem with reviews was raised earlier today at I don't have a solution other than to contact Airbnb and raise it directly with them.

Same issue with my listing! My last 2 really great reviews are appearing as the very first reviews. After that, all other reviews are in chronological order. Seems like Airbnb made a change at their end to the order. I feel most recent reviews should be on the top!