Refunding a guest for a partial stay

Level 1
Bakersfield, CA

Refunding a guest for a partial stay

We accepted a reservation for an individual as a long term guest (30 day stay).  The individual informed us on Tuesday evening that they would be leaving on Thursday morning.  The total number of days for the stay ended up being 17 days and not 30 days.  We were considering calculating the total as 2 weeks with 15% discount + 3 days at nightly rate + Airbnb service charge + cleaning fee.  I am simply asking for feedback from other host and want to ensure that the "right thing" is done.    Thank you in advance for the feedback.

7 Replies 7
Level 10
Como, CO

Cancelling through ABB first for the days he does not want, then up to you if you wish to top it up beyond the contractual entitlement.

Level 1
Dallas, TX

I don't think you should be obligated to refund any money unless they are leaving due to problems with their stay. I have had this situation occur of sorts because they weren't as close as they wanted to be to their venue, and I refunded a small percentage of their money just to be nice.
Level 1
Helland, United Kingdom

Had a guest cut her visit short and a refund was never mentioned. Your property could have been let to another guest and earning money through no fault of yours. I guess it's an individual thing and we all strive to be the best we can for our guests, but at the same time you have to think of your pocket.
Level 4
Elvas, Portugal

Don't cancel anything! You will be punished by AirBnB for that. You may be able to change the reservation to give them a partial refund, but I too think you don't need to do that. Just let them cancel if they wish, and whatever cancellation policy you have will apply. 

Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands


If they insist on a refund reply anyway you could tell them that since those days had been blocked for so long in your calendar you're not sure in how far it's possible to get bookings on such short notice, but that you'd be willing to refund them for the days that could be booked.

And then of course, you don't refund them for the standard price per day a new guest would be paying. Only refund the amount that your cancelling guest was charged. 

Most guests usually understand if put that way.

Noone here has answered the question- instead we are ranting about why they SHOULDNT cancel.

I too have a guest that can't make one of the three days. I have a flexible cancellation party and am just looking for how to let them cancel the one day. I am guessing this is an edge case for "the system" and that I will need to use paypal or something.




First, have the guest submit a change request. Once the guest is able to confirm what amount is refunded (or not) according to the policy, THEN the host can go to the reservation details page and click on "send or request money" and send the calculated difference that you want to refund to the guest.