Review Help!

Review Help!

We had guests check out this morning and our housekeeper was not impressed. They left our house a mess!

Our house rules are very clear and typical from what I’ve seen from other vacation rentals. We ask that guests load and start the dishwasher, take the bedding off the used beds and start a load of dirty towels.

They did none of that. And they are Airbnb hosts!! They have all 5 star reviews, but none are from them being guests. They’re all from guests who they’ve hosted. 

Our housekeeper sent pictures of dishes all over the kitchen and the rest of the house, towels over the lamps on the bedrooms? Beds unmade and unstripped ... stuff just everywhere. It’s dissapointing, but I am struggling with how to review them.

We just made our 10 five star ratings for our Superhost status and im worried that they’re gonna be our first less than perfect. 


15 Replies 15
Level 10
Wollongong, Australia


Wow!! I can't believe that another Airbnb host would behave in this manner!


Regardless of what we, as a guest, thinks of another hosts house rules.... once we have accepted their house rules and are staying in their home, we are morally obligated to abide by their rules. You would think that a fellow Airbnb host would be appreciative and understanding of that!

It would be very interesting to see how they would have dealt with this situation if it had happened to them!


My experiences with other Airbnb hosts have been a different issue..... Not bothering to leave reviews!


We recently stayed as a guest in an Airbnb with a long term Superhost, we left her a well deserved great review. We met and spoke with her after our stay, as we were having car troubles and waiting for road service to arrive. She was lovely to talk to, and sincerely thanked me for how clean we had left her place, and that she had hardly any cleaning to do..... she seemed very grateful. But she didn't bother to review us!!


And then, just a few weeks ago we had another ex-host, stay with us..... tell us how much they enjoyed their stay..... But no review!


My way of thinking is that Airbnb hosts are all in this together..... We can't do anything about educating the general public..... but Isn't it about time we supported each other!!


My2centsworth 🙂