Review for guest

Level 3
Sabah, Malaysia

Review for guest


Just want to find when can I leave a review for my guest? They checked out a day before but I didn't get any notifications to leave a review. I remember Airbnb sending me emails to leave reviews quite soon after I checked out as a guest.

4 Replies 4
Level 3
Niagara Falls, NY

You would be surprised how long it can vary from guest to guest with that email.

Sometime I would have it by 3pm day of check out sometimes it comes 24 hours or more after check out. I don't know why it varies so much but you will eventually get it.

I see...might not even remember the small details if they take so long to send it. The next guests have already checked in.


Just wondering if the guest's profile is incomplete with no photos uploaded will Airbnb allow them to review? My friend wrote a recommendation for me previously but it didn't get posted until he completed his profile.

Hi! I had the same problem as you, I did not get any notification about writing a review and my guest did not get any as well. I tweeted the airbnbhelp and they resend the notification right away, after I sent them the confirmation number. I guess there is something wrong with their system. Try to tweet them.

I just got the notification earlier today, about a day plus after they checked out 🙂