Reviewing guests who do not return the favour of a review

Level 1
Mount Gambier, Australia

Reviewing guests who do not return the favour of a review

We always leave a review for a guest but do not always receive one. Why should guest benefit from a good one and not return the favour. e.g. I thought a recent guest would review especially after I collected him from Bus station at 2 AM!!!

Suggest that reviews are not shown unless both host and guest submit a review.

3 Replies 3

That is the case - reviews are only made visible to both parties when each has submitted their review. I guess you can never really predict whether a guest will leave a review, some people may forget to do it straight away, some may still be on holiday and don't check emails or messages, therefore won't receive the system reminders - and some people just won't bother. But leaving your own review may prompt them into doing one of their own, so I guess there is that benefit. Perhaps send a little courtesy reminder to your guest if it is getting close to the cut off date, and ask if they could kindly take a few moments to complete the review process.

Just to clarify. While it's true that neither guest nor host can see (for up to 14 days) the other's review until they've each submitted a review, that limit ends after 14  days. At that time, any review left by either party becomes public, whether the other person left a review or not.


That said, I don't believe that the reviews that I submit as a host should be influenced by whether or not I think the guest will leave a review (or, for that matter, a positive or negative review). I leave MY reviews for the benefit of other hosts, who can use them to decide whether or not to accept a particular guest.

Level 4
Sagres, Portugal

i understand that you would love to get reviews from guests... i also like to have but some people just dont understand that.


Also... making more stuff to guests like that example picking him at the bus station i also made that a 2 times and decided to stop. People look at that like if it's my work to get them from the bus station to my house! seriously?


I think we should keep it simple and not have our arms all open to some stranger that enters your house...