Reviews which are vindictive , revengeful and biased

Level 2
Goa, India

Reviews which are vindictive , revengeful and biased

I recently hosted a couple who made a booking through Instant booking and who never gave me the time to ready the place up . They opted to give me a 1 star even before they checked in and the same was conveyed to air b n b alongwith a screenshot .


I am now requesting the same to be removed as it is totally biased 


Any one out there who can shed some more light on this 





6 Replies 6
Level 10
Scotland, United Kingdom



Place NOT ready before these guests checked in and the took a screen shot! proof.


In future I would have clearly stated check in and check out times.


This season Ive had a couple of early arrivals before check in time and the rooms were not finished and turned around  yet....Did I let them check in early to see the unmade rooms?......Definate NO.


Never let a guest see a dirty unmade room as you are just asking for trouble, as you’ve just sadly found out.




@Victoria567 Thanks for your response . However I never let them in . The screenshot of the same has been sent to Air b n b by me and not by the guest . 

Level 10
Farmington, CT

I read the guests review. It seems that you may have underestimated your cleaning time, therefore inconveniencing the guest. Going forward, give yourself an extra hour, just in case something comes up, so the guest arrives to a clean and ready apartment. If they have proof (screenshot) that you allowed them into an unclean apartment their review is not bias or incorrect.


@Vanessa-and-Kurt0  I never alllowed the guest in and gave them another place to relax . However they had come with a pre planned intention and we realise how competitors can stoop down to such tactics . The screeenshot was sent by me to Air B n B to prove that it was a pre planned thing . However they go by their strict codes 


Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Jeetender0  What do you mean they never gave you time to ready the place?  As a host you are in control of when guests can check in. The guest doesn't get to decide when they check in and if they arrive before the check in time that has been arranged, you don't let them in and simply tell them that they need to come back at the correct time. If they request to leave their luggage, you could accomodate that request if you choose, but don't let them into a place that hasn't been cleaned yet.

@Sarah977 these guys were given a alternative accomodation but were still adamant to drop a 1 star . We now found out that they were sent by one of our unhealthy competitors to rate us down