Seattle booking

Level 6
Seattle, WA

Seattle booking

My bookings are low right not.  Do other hosts do VRBO?  I am nervous to try VRBO, but I do not like having a empty rental.   The requested rates are way too low.

3 Replies 3
Level 1
Los Angeles, California, United States

I'm hoping to move to Seattle. I used to do airbnb full time in L.A., but the city isn't airbnb friendly.


So... to answer your question, yes you will have better luck listing on both airbnb and homeaway/vrbo. The trick is to only list as a "pay per booking" through Homeaway. Even though they'll suggest you pay the annual fee instead, I wouldn't recommend it. Pay per booking lists you on every Homeaway owned site (homeaway, vrbo, and 12 others). If after listing in both you still don't have luck, you can either try lowering your price if it's feasible (although it looks like a reasonable price) or breaking it down into two separate room bookings (for $80-100 each) rather than a full house rental.  Lastly, it says 4 beds but only accommodates 4? Unless they're all twin beds, couldn't it accomodate more people? That may be limiting your bookings for families with more than 4 people. 


I'm hoping you can answer quid pro quo...Do you have trouble filling your calendar only during the winter or during the summer too? Why do most guests visit your area (UW, children's hospital, staycationers, etc)? How long is the average stay? 

Level 3
Lithia, FL

I use VRBO but do not pay any annual fees, I total dislike them even though they advertise your listing more. 

Payment takes for ever, plus they charge CC transaction fees when they deposited your payout into your bank account.

The reservation summary doesn't match payout paperwork. 



Yes its too slow right listing is vacant for two weeks now.i lower my price ten times now still no request or activity.i don’t know were to turn on brvo work just thru apps .how to sign up