Security Deposit - what's the point? Airbnb don't pay out...

Level 2
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Security Deposit - what's the point? Airbnb don't pay out...

I've recently had a guest cause damage to the carpet and soft furnishings in my property. Approximately £260 damage has been caused. I've made a claim for reimbursement from the guest through the Resolutions Centre which has been ignored. I then involved Airbnb who initially suggested a £20 payment from the guest. I didn't think this was reasonable so asked Airbnb for a larger payment, they've then replied saying they've assessed the situation and think that £20 is fair. They then say that this 'is a final decision and cannot be overturned'. 

This is outrageous. I've had estimates of £260 to repair or correct the damage caused. £20 is completely unreasonable, particularly as the guest completely ignored my repeated requests for payment. 

I have a £150 Security Deposit stated on my account. 

There are several issues here; 1 How has the £20 charge been determined by Airbnb? 2. Why are Airbnb not willing to discuss this issue with me? 3. What is the point of having any Security Deposit if Airbnb are going to completely ignore it in a situation where damage has been caused?

I'm really annoyed, disappointed and frustrated by all of this. Damage has been caused by a guest. I have a Security Deposit in place to ostensibly pay for any damage caused by guests. I've followed the procedure required by Airbnb. Yet, despite all of this, Airbnb refuse any reasonable payment or settlement of this issue....

Why, Why, Why??

15 Replies 15
Level 10
Brookline, MA

I agree.  A security deposit should be able to be used at the discretion of the host, like in an apartment building, as long as there is proof (an estimate for repair, or a receipt from repair/replacement).

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Ewan1


As fellow hosts unfortunately we are as much in the dark as you are. Airbnb don't give explainations and there is no way to complain if you feel it's much for the much lauded Airbnb host guarantee


Some have reported chasing through social media sometimes brings results.

I would definitely think about tweeting

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


I feel more secure if I host "people from the street" then through Airbnb... at least I can take security deposit in cash 

Level 10
Como, CO



This is worth a read.


I agree that Security Deposit and Host Guarantee are highly misleading.


Post the situation on facebook. That seems more likely to get results.

I agree with the Facebook suggestion. All companies now follow the media and do not want a negative sentiment out there. Good luck.

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

One of my difficulties with posts such as yours, @Ewan1, is that other than agreeing that Air BNB has a lousy Resolution Center system, I cannot gain a better understanding of what happened that could possibly be applicable to my situation. (I am always looking for better understanding here)  I don't know which listing you were refering to or what was the damaged and how was it caused.  Just because you got a repair estimate I don't know if there was any pre-existing damage that would have been included in the repair.  Sometimes it is very difficult to assess the specific guest damage from normal wear and tear.


Of course any decision by Air BNB that does not coincide with host expectation will feel arbitrary. I think in addition to the actual cost of the repair, your issue is the lack of transparency of the process.  Also the lack of any appeal options.  I think it would be good for Air BNB to get out of the security deposit business, frankly.  So many hosts believe they would be better at judging what should be collected from the guest for damages.  Of course, it could be a bit dicey for travelers.




Level 2
Blackpool, United Kingdom

just joined but reading the complaint from ewan scotland bit woried now .hope you sort it pal.

Level 1
Scottsdale, AZ

I also had minor damages this seaon (the damage was minor by sight and the stove still works so I didnt pursue it but it was a $490 replacement part and I would install to save the labor).  The incident gave me a chance to see that nothing in the Airbnb system protects me.  As a guest I see other hosts are actually property companies with multiple units and suport staff - as simple as a building manager and as complicated as a 24hr call center.  All these hosting businesses reach out seperately asking for email address and forward a personal contract at the time of booking.  This document may not be any more binding but it gets Airbnb out of the way as a blinder to the host, in my opinion.  


I always had a written waiver, welcome paragraph and checkout process in printed for signature, upon arrival.  I am also on site so I see who is here.  But I will probably start collecting a deposit - after a walk through (just like renting a car).  I cringe at this extra labor and extended contact with the guest (not to mention having to get a square and start running funds personally).  But I cant subject my property to the current Airbnb exposure again next vacation season.  Even the wear and tear element bother me (this is/was a pristine, new property with all new linens etc) but I am trying to see it as a cost of business.

I just had my wood floors severely scratched and I'm thinking about taking the guest to small claims court.   Air bnb offers no protection and they are quick to give your earnings to discruntled guest that milk the policy.   Any ideas on how I can better protect my property when renting through air bnb?    Can I demand my own deposit upfront?  I hold the deposut when booking through air bnbs competition and I've never had issues. 

Level 1
United States

I had a similar situation.  I use a $500 security deposit.  The damage amounted to $200.00, but Airbnb decided that $100.00 was fair so they only paid half the bill.  I paid the other half our of my pocket.  The people at Airbnb closed my case and refused to review it.  CASE CLOSED!


I was a super host before this incident occured.  Since the incident I do not get any Airbnb guests.  Airbnb stated that my property is listed, but friends state that they cannot find me.  I feel Airbnb black balled me for disagreeing with them.

@John197  I immediately found your lovely home as soon as I used the location of Tahoe Vista.  When I searched Lake Tahoe, which is incorporated in your listing name I had difficulty finding your listing.  I also noticed that for the next several months you are quite busy so I am unclear what you think Air BNB is doing to black ball you.  I can understand your concern about damage as your place appears pristine.

Level 2
Kure Beach, NC

I'm now running into the same problem with air bnb.   I had a group of young adults severly scratch my australian teak floors....they did more damage in 2 nights then I've sustained in the last 6 years the floors have been down.   Air bnb is quick to give away earnings to a disgruntled guest  but care little about helping owners recoup losses due to damages.   Other vacation websites at least let the owner collect the deposit whis is way more effective because it gets their attention and you don't have to go through all the bull with a a defunk resolution center.   Maybe a class action law suit is waht they need???   All I can say is book all you can through the competition until air bnb starts to listen.    If anyone knows an effective procedure to hold air bnb and the guest accountable, I'm listening.  
