Sending contact details

Sending contact details

I have been having quite a few problems with airbnb of late but the current one is that I have guests arriving next week, bookings confirmed for months now and when I try to send them direction and contact details a message pops up saying you cannot do so until booking is confirmed........ it is confirmed ! Any ideas ?
Anyone know Why can we not contact airbnb anymore ? I have not received notifications for the last couple of booking requests nothing has changed in my account they are just not coming through to my email. I would like to be able to communicate with someone on this if at all possible. I do understand we list for free and so don't get a full service but we do pay commission on lets as do guests so we need some communication with site hosts when there are problems.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Lots and lots of bugs on the AirBnB platform - suggest trying a different browser to see if that helps in any way.


Usually you can get around email issues by using an external email client (like Outlook) and replying via that - it works smoothly for us and we can send attachments too.


As for contacting AirBnB - sorry but I am with you on this one - impossible to do so unless in the direst of emergencies it seems.

Level 10
Delft, Netherlands

@Lough-Cutra0, you can reach them via the Help link at bottom of this page.


Or via Facebook.


Or – if you have a Twitter account - try twitter@airbnbhelp. It’s said there’s a quick response.


More essential reading for hosts. Contains a link with several international phone numbers (‘How to contact AirBnB’).


Regarding Contact numbers in the above link, I've twice recently had quick responses via the Netherlands phone number.

(Though oddly enough, the person to whom I spoke was actually in the US.)

I used Twitter for the first time today, thanks to Gerry & Rashid's excellent directions in a previous post I'd saved! A guest has been trying to book, has already lost 2 nights of his desired stay due to "awaiting verification" notices from Airbnb.  Within 10 minutes of making a twitter account someone was answering my DM and reaching out to the guest to assist!  Thanks Gerry & Rashid!!