Stir Crazy for my private home!

Level 5
Missouri City, TX

Stir Crazy for my private home!

I have been fortunate with my first few months of Airbnb bookings. I rent 2 rooms out and each one has had bookings, sometimes at the same time. 


I currently have a guest that has booked for 20 days at 2 ten day increments. He is supposed to checkout on Wednesday. 


I am looking forward to checkout because I suddenly find myself craving my own private space at this time. He is not a bad guest.....although I do find that men are a little bit more messy than women (sorry men). He is quiet but I'm tired of all the tip toeing around the house. I have been off from work so I really notice any slight movement. Suddenly......I just want him gone....I want that checkout asap! I'm craving my privacy.


Do any of you get this way with frequent bookings? I can do 2-4 nights but these long term bookings when people extend are starting to get to me. I enjoy the money but I do not have to host. And.....the guest just informed me that he may have to extend a few more weeks. Sigh......I'm thinking about blocking the days so he can't extend. Maybe when I start back to work,  I won't notice as much.


Am I the only host who goes thru this? 

32 Replies 32

@Sarah977, yes I am sighing relief. I can't wait to have the house to myself tomorrow.....and have my grandkids when I want. I will take your advice about the sheet sets. As far as towels, I have a big basket of about 12-15 towels as well as wash cloths for the guests to use. They can either get a clean one each time or use the one they have....up to them.

Level 10
Fredericksburg, VA

I have had mostly shorter term stays, 3-5 days, but I did have two marines who were in between duty assignments stay at my place for 5 weeks. While they were here, they had ALL their gear with them, which was a lot. It was an obstacle course through the apartment, but I just reminded myself the gear would leave when they did. And they did an excellent job of cleaning up after themselves when they left.

Anyways, for my shorter term guests, I ask that they re-use towels as much as possible, but if they really need another set (because sometimes towels just get stinky) to please let me know and I will provide them. So far, no one has asked.

For my longer term guests, (longer than 7 days) I provide an extra set of towels and sheets. They are responsible for laundering sheets and towels and changing the bed.  (There is a washing machine in the apartment) I also tell them they are responsible for house keeping during their stay.

Level 2
Mississauga, Canada

I have extra sheets for them if they want to change whenever they please and also washer dryer in their place. As people have said they are paying guests and unfortunately this is what becoming a host on airbnb consists of. I'm new at it for 4 months now and had 4 long terms and few short terms. We offer cleaning every other week. Mines a separate basement unit though so requires a heck of a lot more cleaning but I have my own privacy so perhaps can't relate. I don't even really like having tenants below me, just on one side of my house though as i have the other side of basement, nevermind in my actual house. I'm really not sure how anyone can do that but maybe I just don't have trust in many people, haha.

I do it for the money and love hosting in general, also a bit of a clean freak. Seeing slobs drives me crazy but the money is completely worth it! To make a sacrifice to pay for large bills, mortgage and crazy taxes in the GTA is a score! I'm money hungry lol.

Anyways I completely agree with booking few days off just for yourself to recharge! That or charge a small cleaning fee. Or perhaps you'll change your mind and get sick of the hussle.