Super strict cancellation policy

Level 1
South Cape DC, South Africa

Super strict cancellation policy

Hi how do I change my listing to the Super Strict 60 cancellation policy?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Ashley140,


Hosts can't select that policy themselves. It's only by invitation from Airbnb.


The post below gives an opinion on what criteria Airbnnb might apply to decide whether or not to apply the super strict policy.

Just passing it on, I don't know whether it's true or not.



Level 2
Kuala Lumpur, MY

I am on a Strict Cancellation policy which, after the recent change in cancellation rules unilatrally imposed by AirBnB, is not strict enough. I applied for and was declined Super Strict 30 or 60, they say that it is ofred only to remote non-urban properties, which mine is. 


After several exchanges they confirmed they would not offer me that status. I asked for clarification as to criteria for eligibility and they closed the conversation.


Does anyone have any idea of those critieria?


Like one other host, having a reservation in place for one year and then receive a last minute cancellation with little or no compenstion is not acceptable.