Superhost Cancel Policy is Way TOO Harsh

Level 5
Baltimore, MD

Superhost Cancel Policy is Way TOO Harsh

I have been hosting for over a year and ONE TIME I cancelled a researvation. Now, I can't be considered a superhost for a whole year. That's harsh. Especially when guests can cancel at anytime with mostly no penalty at all. I've been left out to dry more than once because of this. I know I can raise my cancellation policy, but I don't want to punish mostly all good guests (maybe you really have an emergency) for a few bad apples. Either the penalty should be less for hosts or the penalty should be more for guests. But it should be equal at the very least. 

43 Replies 43
Level 6
Edinburgh, United Kingdom


I'm trying to alter my mind-set around what the term 'Superhost' means!  It seems to be recognition of following the Airbnb rules rather than about actual hosting skills!

Level 5
Waltham, MA


You're right--as I said in another post, it's a carrot they dangle under hosts' noses, but they're known for yanking it away again very unfairly!

Level 5
Baltimore, MD

As an update to my original post... I've had ZERO negative effect from not being a super host. I've actually increased my nightly price since then and demand has gone up. I totally agree that being a "Superhost" is a carrot on a stick. It has no real implications. Don't fret those of you that have had it take away unfairly. It doesn't relfect who you are as a host, only your reviews do! Aim for the stars! 

Level 6
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Thank you, Erika & Mark - wise and witty words! 🙂


Level 6
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Hi Guys - I have had a good response from Twitter.  As my cancelled booking was 360 days in advance, there seems to be some leeway.  Waiting to hear how to avoid this happening again or if the Superhost status shall be restored...

Level 10
Nashville, TN

Good for you! And thanks for letting the community know the outcome.

Level 5
Waltham, MA

I think Airbnb reads these posts after all: on Friday afternoon, after my rant on that morning, I saw that the Superhost badge magically reappeared on my profile, go figure!!!

Level 10
Nashville, TN

There is a line of thought that proposes that the main result of superhost status is that it attracts pickier guests resulting in snarky reviews.

 I had to cancel once about a year ago and do not have the badge of honor and am booked solid through May and a few for next Fall.

If your picture are good and accurate and your reviews are good, Superhost won't make any difference.


Level 6
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Thank you, Amy - I certainly have had tremendous feedback from my guests 🙂 

Still a bit peeved re Superhost thing, though.  My cancellation was 360 days in advance!!!  Hardly last minute...

Leaves a nasty taste, you know? x

Level 5
Baltimore, MD

BEWARE! Airbnb is now charging a $100 cancelation fee to hosts for canceling anytime and for any reason! I just wanted to update everyone here, since they've sent no correspondence about this change in their policy.

BEWARE IS RIGHT   AirBNB has witheld 5000.00€   (five thousand ) because their, not my site was hacked, they credited my rents to the wrong person and then have arbitrarily blocked my site keeping the proceeds and failing to reply to any e mails



Level 6
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Just adding here that my Superhost status was restored.  Thanks to the lovely Phyllis who went over the sequence of events on behalf of Airbnb.  *PHEW!*

Level 1
San Gimignano, Italy

Sono iscritta dal 2012 e h bellissime recensioni. In particolar modo dagli standard dell'ultimo controllo pensavo di riuscire a prendere il superhost! invece niente. Qualcuno puo darmi spiegazioni?non so nemmeno come contattare AIRBNB...grazie

I completely agree with this.  I host 1500+ Airbnb reservations.  Lets say I have to cancel 1 reservation.  That is still 99.93% Commitment Rate.   Over that year Airbnb will rake in $135,910 off my listings, not including the float.  And they are going to penalize me financially and take away superhost status?  Seriously?  And now just to be a part of the "Work" Collection I have to allow guests to cancel for free upto 5 days before arrival?  That hardly seems fair.