Level 4
Puerto Rico


I want to thank Airbnb for all support given during the past situation I had.  Iam new to this community and to hosting, but I can just say Airbnb had helped me in everything I had asked.  I am very happy and want to keep hosting. I have discovered how much I like doing this and all the great things can happen hosting with love.  Hope I can keep receiving the great guests like the ones I 've had, and that Airbnb gives me the opportunity to keep serving.  
Thank you AIRBNB!  🙂   #Airbnb #Thankyou #GreatHosting #Lovehosting


1 Reply 1
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

This is wonderful to hear, @Zoe105. Thank you so much for sharing this here in the Community Center. 


It is great you are enjoying hosting so much. I just took a little peak at your listing, I really like your nautical themed rooms. 🙂 


I wish you all the best for your future and lots of happy hosting experiences. 




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