Unfair reviews

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Unfair reviews

I have to say I am starting to get really upset with Airbnb and the lack of protection it offers to hosts from guests with unreasonable expectations.

I recently had guests stay for four days with next to no English. Even using google translate was hard as it didn't really translate particularly well and I was often scratching my head as to what my guest might have meant.

This guest ignored my advice to eat before checking in, insisting they would check in immediately. They arrived at 10.30pm, checked in and then asked where they could eat. Out of kindness I made them chicken sandwiches and crisps.

Then we had god awful weather and they bought a cheap umbrella which broke. They then used my umbrella and swapped their broken one for mine...checking out with my umbrella and obviously hoping I wouldn't notice the swap. I did and immediately raised the issue.

In the meantime the guest write a review with the usual insipid meaningless comment while in the background knocking stars. He gave me a three overall in particular noting under accuracy that the property and room was small and not as expected.

I'm absolutely fuming and angry that I have to accept this review despite clearly noting in the description and in pictures what is available.

Airbnb say it's the guests opinion and therefore valid. I find that totally ridiculous. So can I book a cheap room and then when it isn't the Hilton rate it one star? This whole situation with reviews is ridiculous and guests clearly know how to dupe the system.

34 Replies 34

Thanks Rob. I  dont like the review system and having to second guess if Im doing the right or wrong thing.  Im a new host and just listed my property.  

Hi Robin.
I am a host from Malaysia. Have been reading your comments full of favours to our fellow hosts. I really like this one on unfair review. Yes, the review system is unfair by itself. Some people unashamedly want to make more money even on other's suffering with or without realising that the system that have is unfair to the ones who provide the means for them to make money... It is unfairly working together. I have been thinking along the same line. About reminding my guests that if they told me in person or on Whatsapp that they really enjoyed staying at my place, then they should give me a 5-star review. If not a 5-star one, then they better not give any review at all because they are sabotaging my 5 star rating. I have had a few guests who are double-faced like that before. I expect 5 star or nothing because I am doing a real homestay business and have invested a lot in my suite resort apartments. Some people their few dollars should bring them 6-star hotel's benefits. 🙂

Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia

@Sulaiman0 You probably have a good point there Sulaiman. But I do feel that a host should earn a 5 star review, not just demand one!

There are certain things that a host has no control over and these things should not be taken into account in the star rating system. I do not agree with value rating or a location rating. The guest can make comment of these things in their review but these comments should not contribute to the overall rating.

The other problem I see with your idea, if you are instructing guests to leave no review if they feel the experience was less than 5 stars you are going to run the risk of having your review rate fall below 50% which will mean you will either loose Superhost status, or have no chance of gaining it!

If possible we want to work with the platform. not manipulate it!


Level 1
Raleigh, NC

Im new to AirBnB. Ive had 10 guest and 2 out of the 10 have broken house rules and caused damage in excess of $100. First person brought a puppy which I heard about from the neighbir and landscaper. He initially lied about the dog but eventually came clean. I charged a fine and he paid it. There were conversations and reviews remained good. Im glad I collected a fine because a handful of things had been chewed. My most recent guest left the house per my cleaning "disgusting" it was a last minute as was the prior. The cleaning pushed my next check in back 2 hours. Needless to say and rightfully so the new guests were upset to be in late. I have refunded her money for the time but ahe has not replied to any of my notes. Back to the "disgusting" house guest- he gave a bad review 3 overall rate. I replied to his review but I am wondering if it seems petty- your opinion? He was a nightmare but ABnB wont take it off. I am also dealing with the current tenanr who has been nonresponsive. Advice? Overall its been a bad experience.

Do you have a check out time? About the cleaning, you are going to have good and bad guest.  I have one that didn't know how to flush the bathroom.  Keep in mind that I have two bedrooms with a share bathroom.  I learn, that I need it a sign to remaining to keep commune areas clean.  It help some but not much.  People are dirty and that is something that we have to understand.  Hotels deal with that every day.  I usually ask my new guest they arrival time, and if I have to became flash women to clean the area, I do.  But, the guest usually arrives after 6 pm and my check out is 10 am and late check out is 11.  That gives me plenty time for the next guest.  I hope this help.  One thing for sure, have fun and let the stress out.  Is not worthy.